Data replication status reports
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Data replication status reports

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Article summary

In this article, you’ll find descriptions of the information presented in the data replication reports. These reports are useful for monitoring the status of the cluster instances.

Replication status report

To access the Replication status report, go to Orbit Server Manager > Replication > Status. This report provides the following information:

Local server

Replication statusIndicates whether data replication is Enabled or Disabled.
Instance typeIndicates whether the instance is Primary or Secondary.
Operating ModeIndicates whether the operation is Enabled or Disabled.
Last syncDisplays the exact date and time of the last synchronization.
Authentication tokenProvides the authentication token.

If you are using a Remote server, the report will also display information about it.

Elasticsearch cluster status report

To access the Elasticsearch cluster status report, go to Orbit Server Manager > Replication > Elasticsearch. This report provides the following information:

Data search cluster

StatusProvides information about the functioning of the instance.
UuidRepresents a universally unique identifier for the instance.
SizeIndicates the number of cluster members.
PrimaryServes as an identifier for the Primary instance in the cluster.
VersionDisplays the version of this instance.
ShardsIndicates the number of sharded data subsets that form all the data in the cluster.
State UuidRepresents an instance state identifier in the cluster.
Timed outInforms if an error occurred during a specific time and if the instance took a while to get a response from the cluster.

Cluster Members

IndexProvides a unique index identifier of the cluster instance.
NameSpecifies the name of the cluster application.
EphemeralRepresents an ephemeral identifier of the cluster instance.
AddressDisplays the IP and port of the instance.


NameInforms about the names of the logs generated by the instance.
UuidRepresents a unique identifier for the generated log.
SizeIndicates the size of the log generated by the system.
HealthShows if the log is functioning correctly.
StatusProvides information about the functioning of the instance.

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