Reference for secrets
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Reference for secrets

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Article summary

You can access the secrets list report through Product Menu > DevOps Secret Manager > Secrets Management > Secrets.


To view secrets, you need to be part of an access group with permission to manage secrets; otherwise, if you register a secret, you won't be able to view it in the filters and dashboards.

On the screen, you'll find the following information:

Top bar

Show filtersRepresented by the magnifying glass button, it hides or shows the filter options.
UpdateRepresented by the counterclockwise arrow, it updates the information on the screen.
View actionsRepresented by the three vertical dots, it opens a drop-down menu with three options.
New secretOpen the window to register a new secret
Print reportIdentified by the printer icon. It opens a new page for printing the report.
Export CSVIdentified by the sheet of paper icon, downloads the report.
Schedule reportIdentified by the clock icon, it opens the window for scheduling the report.

When you click on Show filters, a series of fields are displayed. These are used to refine your search results. They are:

NameName of the registered secret.
EngineA drop-down menu with the option to filter the results according to the Engine used in the secret. The options are Ansible, Generic, GitLab, and Kubernets.
EnvironmentA drop-down menu with the environments registered on senhasegura.
EnabledA drop-down menu with Yes and No options. Indicates the status of the secret in senhasegura.
ErrorA drop-down menu with the options Yes and No. Indicates whether or not the secret contains any errors.
IdentityName of the identity registered with senhasegura.
VersionOption to filter according to a specific version of a secret. If left blank, the newest version is displayed.
Expiration dateOpens a calendar to choose the start date of the interval that will be used for the filter by the secret expiration date.
untilOpens a calendar to choose the end date of the interval that will be used for the filter by the secret expiration date

In addition to these options, you have two buttons: Filter, which applies the parameters passed into the fields, and Clear, which clears all the parameters.

In the Secrets list, you have the following extra fields:

  • Code: code used to register the secret with senhasegura.
  • Tags: tags registered for the secret.
  • In the Action column you have the three vertical points options with the Secret Management options.

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