Reference for secrets
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Reference for secrets
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You can access the secrets list report through Product Menu > DevOps Secret Manager > Secrets Management > Secrets.
To view secrets, you need to be part of an access group with permission to manage secrets; otherwise, if you register a secret, you won't be able to view it in the filters and dashboards.
On the screen, you'll find the following information:
Top bar
Item | Description |
Show filters | Represented by the magnifying glass button, it hides or shows the filter options. |
Update | Represented by the counterclockwise arrow, it updates the information on the screen. |
View actions | Represented by the three vertical dots, it opens a drop-down menu with three options. |
New secret | Open the window to register a new secret |
Print report | Identified by the printer icon. It opens a new page for printing the report. |
Export CSV | Identified by the sheet of paper icon, downloads the report. |
Schedule report | Identified by the clock icon, it opens the window for scheduling the report. |
When you click on Show filters, a series of fields are displayed. These are used to refine your search results. They are:
Item | Description |
Name | Name of the registered secret. |
Engine | A drop-down menu with the option to filter the results according to the Engine used in the secret. The options are Ansible, Generic, GitLab, and Kubernets. |
Environment | A drop-down menu with the environments registered on senhasegura. |
Enabled | A drop-down menu with Yes and No options. Indicates the status of the secret in senhasegura. |
Error | A drop-down menu with the options Yes and No. Indicates whether or not the secret contains any errors. |
Identity | Name of the identity registered with senhasegura. |
Version | Option to filter according to a specific version of a secret. If left blank, the newest version is displayed. |
Expiration date | Opens a calendar to choose the start date of the interval that will be used for the filter by the secret expiration date. |
until | Opens a calendar to choose the end date of the interval that will be used for the filter by the secret expiration date |
In addition to these options, you have two buttons: Filter, which applies the parameters passed into the fields, and Clear, which clears all the parameters.
In the Secrets list, you have the following extra fields:
- Code: code used to register the secret with senhasegura.
- Tags: tags registered for the secret.
- In the Action column you have the three vertical points options with the Secret Management options.
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