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Article summary

This document provides information about the Elasticsearch form.

Path to Access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Product Menu and select Orbit Server Manager.
  2. In the side menu, select Settings > Replication > Elasticsearch.

Data Search Cluster

StatusText fieldIdentificator of the overall status of the cluster.
UUIDText fieldUnique identifier of the cluster.
SizeQuantity inputIdentificator of the number of nodes in the cluster.
PrimaryText fieldIdentificator of the primary node in the cluster.
VersionText fieldIdentificator of the version of the cluster.
ShardsText fieldIdentificator of the number of shards in the cluster.
State UUIDText fieldUnique identifier of the current cluster state.
Timed outText fieldIdentificator of timeouts in cluster operations.

Cluster members

IndexText fieldName of the index associated with the cluster member.
NameText fieldName of the cluster member.
EphemeralText fieldEphemeral identifier associated with the member.
AddressText fieldAddress of the member in the cluster.


NameText fieldName of the index in the database.
UuidText fieldUniversal unique identifier of the index.
TotalText fieldTotal number of records in the index.
SizeText fieldSize of the index on disk.
HealthText fieldHealth status of the index.
StatusText fieldCurrent state of the index.

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