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Article summary

The A2A module is the management platform for senhasegura's A2A APIs. It allows system administrators to generate and manage access keys, such as Client ID and Client Secret, used to authenticate client applications and securely access senhasegura's APIs. It centralizes the provisioning and control of access keys, enhancing security and compliance when accessing sensitive data.

senhasegura APIs follow the RESTful architecture, ensuring standardized and efficient interactions. Through A2A, secure authentication using protocols such as AWS, OAuth v1.0, and OAuth v2.0 can be implemented, enabling reliable integrations with external devices and applications.


  • Access key provisioning: allows the creation and management of access keys required for client application authentication.
  • Access control: restricts the use of access keys to authorized applications based on policies such as the source IP address and specific permissions.
  • Logging and auditing: records all requests to the A2A module with detailed information, including IP address, requesting client, and timestamp. Sensitive data is protected in the logs.
  • Secure integration: enables external systems to interact with senhasegura in a controlled manner, ensuring only the necessary access keys are used.


  • Automation: facilitates secure integrations in automation workflows, reducing the complexity of access key management.
  • Centralized security: centralizes the management of access keys, strengthening the security of devices and applications.
  • Compliance: provides full visibility of credential usage with support for detailed audits.

Use case

Integration with ERP systems using the A2A module

Primary actor: Lucas (IT administrator in a logistics company)

This use case describes how Lucas, an IT administrator, integrates an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system with senhasegura using the A2A module to automate the management of credentials and access permissions. The integration is secure, meets compliance requirements, and enables efficient and auditable management of sensitive data.

Basic flow:

  1. Initial setup

    1. Lucas accesses the A2A module in senhasegura and adds a new client application, giving it a clear name, such as, ERP Finance - Integration.
    2. He configures the OAuth 2.0 authentication method for the application and activates it in the system.
  2. Authorization creation

    1. Lucas adds an authorization for the application, defining:
      1. The expiration date as 01/30/2025 at 6:00 PM.
      2. PAM Core as the resource to be accessed.
      3. The access permission as Read and write, allowing data viewing and editing.
      4. Authorized IPs and HTTP referers.
  3. Authentication and API usage

    1. Lucas views the Client ID and Client Secret keys and uses them to obtain an Access Token.
    2. He configures the ERP system to use the Access Token in requests to the PAM Core APIs.
  4. Process automation

    1. Lucas automates operations such as accessing credentials and permissions directly from the ERP, using API endpoints for:
      1. Credential management to automate access to servers and services.
      2. User and permission monitoring to conduct audits and control access.


The integration between the ERP and senhasegura is successfully established, ensuring that the processes for managing credentials and permissions are automated and secure, complying with security policies and facilitating audits.


  • Secure automation: eliminates the need for manual credential management, increasing security.
  • Compliance: maintains detailed records of all interactions with the A2A module, facilitating audits.
  • Centralized security: restricts access only to trusted sources, reducing risks associated with unauthorized access.


With A2A, companies can consume senhasegura APIs while improving operational efficiency and maintaining the necessary control and visibility to ensure a secure and auditable IT environment. The module enables access key management and the integration of external systems, such as ERP systems, with senhasegura. By centralizing access provisioning and control, A2A ensures secure interactions with APIs, meeting compliance standards and streamlining automated processes. This provides a reliable and efficient infrastructure to integrate systems and protect sensitive data.

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