About the Secrets management dashboard
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About the Secrets management dashboard

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Article summary

The Secrets Management dashboard is accessible through Product Menu > DevOps Secret Manager > Dashboards > Secrets Management.


The dashboard can display data relating to active or inactive secrets. To choose which to display, click on the drop-down menu at the top of the page and select the option corresponding to the status of the secret in the DSM. You can choose Yes, No, and Active (where Yes displays active applications, No displays inactive applications, and Active displays all applications). In addition, you can filter by time interval from the entity's creation date. To do this, click on the drop-down menu next to the calendar icon and set the desired period for filtering the information.

This dashboard will have the following elements:

  • Business line: tells you how many active business lines are registered in the DSM. For more information, access the Business lines documentation.
  • Application types: tells you how many active application types are registered in the DSM. For more information, access the Application types documentation.
  • Applications: tells you how many applications are registered in the DSM according to their status and creation date. Clicking on the card takes you to the Applications window. For more information, access the Applications documentation.
  • Authorizations: tells you how many authorizations per application are registered in the DSM according to their status and creation date. Clicking on the card takes you to the Authorizations per application window. For more information, access the Authorizations per application documentation.
  • Secrets: tells you how many secrets are registered in the DSM according to their status and creation date. Clicking on the card takes you to the Secrets window. For more information, access the Secrets documentation.

In addition to these information cards, you have several graphs to follow the behavior of the DSM. These are:

  • Applications by line of business: provides visual information on applications by line of business.
  • Applications by type: visually displays applications by type.
  • Authorizations by environment: provides visual information on authorizations by environment.
  • Authorizations by application: provides visual information on authorizations by application.
  • Secrets queries per day: visually displays the number of queries made on the secrets registered in the DSM.

The graphical elements of the charts are clickable, so you can view the settings of each element by clicking on a particular section of the chart.

Do you still have questions? Reach out to the senhasegura Community.

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