Access to the system
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Access to the system

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Article summary

In this section, you can print reports related to all the access to the senhasegura system with information such as users logged on to the system, the first and last login of a user, and more. Accessing the menu Reports ➔ Access to the system you will see the reports:

Logged users

This report shows the users that are currently logged in senhasegura system. This report is important to know who is using the system, from where the access is performed the time the session started when the user must log in again. This report helps to understand if the current information complies with the user's access restrictions, the company's access policy, and security expectations.

  • Name: is the user name that will be detailed.
  • Username: is the username used to access senhasegura.
  • IP: of the device the user performed the access.
  • Login: is the time and date the access started.
  • Last: request is the time and date the user executes the last action (before the report was displayed) in the system.
  • Expiration: the time and date the user will be requested to log in again in the system to continue its actions.

Access history

This report shows all system users' access history information. This report is important to know how long the user has been active on the system and the number of logins it's been performed by the user till now. This report helps to understand that the system doesn't have an enabled user that shouldn't be, and more information complies with the list of enabled users, user's access restrictions, the company's access policy, and security expectations.

The System access history report will print the following information:

  • Name: is the user name that will be detailed.
  • Username: is the username used to access senhasegura.
  • Access: is the number of accesses performed by the user since his first login.
  • First Login: the time and date the user logs in the system for the first time.
  • Last Login: the time and date the user logged in to the system for the last time.
  • Logged: indicate if the user detailed is using the system at the moment.

It's also possible to see more details about the user's system access by clicking on the action icon of the register.

The types you can choose from are:

  • Sign Out.
  • Authentication.
  • Authorization.
  • Simultaneous access.
  • Access registered.
  • Access deleted.
  • Access enabled.
  • Access disabled.
  • Password change.
  • User Block.
  • Password error.

Source access

This report shows all system users' origin access information. This report is important to know from where the access originated if it is a trustful or unusual origin. This report helps to understand if the access to the system is being performed through sources allowed and trusted in compliance with the list of allowed sources, user's access restrictions, the company's access policy, and security expectations.

The System sessions origin report will print the following information:

  • Origin IP: is the IP used to access the system;
  • Username: is the username used to access senhasegura ;
  • Name: is the user name that will be detailed;
  • Department: is the company's department the user belongs;
  • Session start date: is the time and date the user login in the system from the source;
  • Day of session start week: is the day of the week the session started from the source;
  • Session end date: is the time and date the user logout of the system from the source;
  • Session weekend day: is the day of the week the session ended from the source;
  • Duration of the session: indicate how long the session from the source lasted;

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