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POST | Create related user
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Create a related user in senhasegura.
- Authorization with access permission to the Users resource granted by the administrator in A2A.
More information in How to manage authorizations in A2A
Request parameters
Send the parameters below in the body of the request.
- string - required - User identification name previously registered in senhasegura.name
- string - required - Name assigned to the related user being created.
Example request
"username": "dleite",
"name": "deboraleite"
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
"code": 200,
"response": {
"status": 200,
"message": "Related user successfully registered!",
"error": false,
"error_code": 0,
"detail": "",
"Message": "Related user successfully registered!",
"erro": false,
"cod_erro": 0
"relatedUsers": {
"id": "3",
"name": "deboraleite",
"username": "dleite"
400 - Bad Request.
Message: "1001: Parameter 'username' was not informed!"
Possible cause: the required parameter username
wasn’t informed.
and resend the request.Message: "1001: Parameter 'name' was not informed!"
Possible cause: the required parameter name
wasn’t informed.
and resend the request.Message: "1005: User does not exist"
Possible cause: the username
provided hasn’t returned any user.
and resend the request.404 - Not Found.
Message: "Resource sub not found"
Possible cause: the URL or requested resource isn’t correct.
500 - Internal Server Error.
Message: "Unexpected error."
Possible cause: the error is in the senhasegura server.
Message: "You are not authorized to access this resource."
Possible cause: you don’t have the authorization to access this resource.
Client authentication failed.
Message: "Client authentication failed."
Possible cause: failure in your application authentication with the senhasegura server.
Access Token URL
, Client ID
and Client secret
and request a new access token.Invalid signature.
Message: "Invalid signature"
Possible cause: failure in recognizing the URL of the client application.
No route matched with those values.
Message: "No route matched with those values."
Possible cause: the authorization header is missing in the API request.
Request timed out.
Message: "Request timed out."
Possible cause: the request time has expired.