POST | Create SSH key
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POST | Create SSH key

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Article summary

Create an SSH key in PAM Core.



POST /api/pam/key

Request parameters

Send the parameters below in the request body.

  • ip - string - required - IP address of the main device associated with the SSH key.

  • hostname - string - required - Hostname of the main device associated with the SSH key.

  • private_key - string - required - Private key necessary for user authentication.Example: -----BEGIN OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----\rcTA9Vb5aA0kXaK2HEjGUWgeCBG5vbmUAAAAEbm9uZQAAAAAAAAABAAAAMwAAAAtzc2gtZW\rQyNTUxOQAAACCLABE9/nb3BlbnNzaC1rZXktdjEAAAAAxtPOCkR2sGccAAAAKi5DXJnuQ1y\r\nZwAAAAtzc2gtZWQyNTUxOQAAACCLABE9/cTA9VTGVpdGVGZXJyZWlyYUBIUjFTUkb5aA0kXaK2HEjGUWgeCxtPOCkR2sGccA\rDgaNiGsvbkkkXhepU2NQi3iZ4sAET39xMD1VvloDSRdorYc\rSMZRaB4LG084KRHawZxwAAAAI0F6dXJlQUQrRGVib3JhAAAECc20zsB7FuSJQAqhLxe\rgzAQI=\r-----END OPENSSH PRIVATE KEY-----

  • public_key - string - required - Public key that allows servers to verify the identity of the user associated with the corresponding private key.Example: ssh-ed25519 C1lZDI1NTE5AAawZxwAAAAAAC3NzaIIsAET39xdorYcSMZRaB4LG084MD1VvloDSRKRH AzureAD+DeboraLeiteFerreira@HR1SRH3

  • identifier - string - Unique string defined by the user or by senhasegura for identifying the credential.Note: although users aren’t required to fill out this field, for security reasons and to enable future updates of the SSH key, the system will automatically generate an identifier based on UUID if left blank. This value can be updated in future calls.

  • username - string - Username related to the key in the device.Note: although not required, as good practice filling out this field helps searching for the SSH key.

    New SSH key default value: usr

  • enabled - boolean - SSH key status: active = true; inactive = false.Note: if you enter the value false in the enabled field, the SSH key will be created as inactive. To access this key's information, you must enable it first.

devices - array of hostnames - Additional devices associated with the SSH key, containing their hostname.Note: if this field is left empty, the SSH key won't have any additional associated devices.

    → hostname - string - Hostname of the additional device.   Note: only previously registered devices are accepted.

  • tags - string - Keywords for identifying the SSH key.

  • key_name - string - User-created name for identifying the key.Note: although not required, as good practice, filling out this field helps search for the SSH key.

  • password - string - Optional password that provides an extra layer of security to the private key.

Example request

POST {{url}}/api/pam/key

    "ip": "",
    "hostname": "w2016",
    "public_key": "ssh-ed25519 C1lZDI1NTE5AAawZxwAAAAAAC3NzaIIsAET39xdorYcSMZRaB4LG084MD1VvloDSRKRH AzureAD+DeboraLeiteFerreira@HR1SRH3",
    "username": "dleite3",
    "identifier": "sshkey3",
    "enabled": true,
    "devices": [
            "hostname": "API device test"
    "tags": "mainsshkey",
    "key_name": "teste4",
    "password": "fkjwe87a5a8fa9a" 


   "code": 201,
   "response": {
       "status": 201,
       "message": "Key successfully registered!",
       "error": false,
       "error_code": 0,
       "detail": "",
       "Message": "Key successfully registered!",
       "erro": false,
       "cod_erro": 0
   "key": {
       "id": "92",
       "identifier": "sshkey0",
       "devices": [
               "hostname": "API device test",
               "ip": ""
       "devices_error": []


400 - Bad Request.

Message: "1004: The device's hostname was not informed"

Possible cause: the required parameter hostname of the device wasn’t informed.

Solution: provide a value for the hostname parameter of the device and resend the request.

Message: "1005: The device's IP was not informed"

Possible cause: the required parameter ip of the device wasn’t informed.

Solution: provide a value for the ip parameter of the device and resend the request.

Message: "1013: The public key was not informed"

Possible cause: the required parameter public_key wasn’t informed.

Solution: provide a value for the public_key parameter and resend the request.

Message: "1014: The private key was not informed"

Possible cause: the required parameter private_key wasn’t informed.

Solution: provide a value for the private_key parameter and resend the request.

Message: "1039: Without PAM Configuration Access permission"

Possible cause: your authorization doesn’t have permission to create a credential.

Solution: ask the administrator to check your read and write permission to PAM Core resources in A2A.

404 - Not Found

Message: "Resource sub not found"

Possible cause: the URL or the requested resource isn’t correct.

Solution: check the URL and make sure the parameter is correct.

500 - Internal Server Error

Message: "Unexpected error."

Possible cause: the error is in the senhasegura server.

Solution: contact the support team for more information.

Message: "You are not authorized to access this resource."

Possible cause: you don’t have the authorization to access this resource.

Solution: ask the administrator to check your permission to access the PAM Core resources in A2A.

Client authentication failed

Message: "Client authentication failed."

Possible cause: failure in your application authentication with the senhasegura server.

Solution: check the authentication parameters such as Access Token URL, Client ID e Client secret and request a new access token.

Invalid signature

Message: "Invalid signature"

Possible cause: failure in recognizing the URL of the client application.

Solution: check the URL of the client application and resent the request.

No route matched with those values

Message: "No route matched with those values."

Possible cause: the authorization header is missing in the API request.

Solution: request a new access token.

Request timed out

Message: "Request timed out."

Possible cause: the request time has expired.

Solution: check the connectivity between the source of the request and the senhasegura server.

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