Changelog Cloud Entitlements
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Changelog Cloud Entitlements

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Article summary

Check below for bug fixes, new features, and product updates.

February 26th, 2025

New Features

878Added a new feature that allows administrators to attribute JIT permissions to users, groups, or applications in Azure.

February 4th, 2025

Bug fixes

1366Fixed a bug where security recommendations were still appearing for inactive accounts.
1556Fixed a bug where provider's accounts deactivated in the Setup menu were still appearing in the Identities' report Environment filter.
1589Fixed a bug where the Api Permissions roles' names weren't being displayed.

Product Updates

1580Improved the logic behind all Cloud Entitlement's filters. Now, filters only show results according to the user's environments.
1680Updated the Findings tab in the Identities report to improve user experience due to new features.
1689Improved the providers' Findings tab to remove redundant information and reduce visual clutter.

January 9th, 2025

New Features

1497Added a new feature that allows administrators to attribute JIT permissions to users, roles, or groups in AWS.
1535Added a new feature that allows Cloud Entitlements administrator to remove policies associated with users, applications, or groups in Azure.

Product Updates

1546Updated the AWS integration form to allow users to choose between the options "Visibility" or "Visibility and management".

Translation Fixes

1574Fixed a bug where text wasn't appearing properly in the synchronization or resynchronization notification in the Notification center.

November 28th, 2024

Bug fixes

1400Fixed a bug where an error 503 was incorrectly appearing after an unsuccessful AWS organization connection.
1391Fixed a bug where the identities' report impact pie charts and recommendations were not being updated after adding an Azure account in a new tenant.
1541Fixed a bug where the recommendations report wasn't showing any identities.
1480Fixed a bug where folder and subfolder were not being synced when integrating an Oracle Cloud organization.

New Features

1520Added a new feature that allows administrators to remove policies associated with users, roles, or groups in AWS.

Product Updates

1420Added a new search bar to improve user experience when searching for reports and identities.
1457Improved the filters of the Identities report with: Recommendations filter now accepts multiple values, and is a checkbox, and the Administrator filter now also filters no administrators.
1489Updated the Sandbox mode to support machine identity use cases.

March 12th, 2023

Bug fixes

874Fixed the icons overlapping the fonts in Cloud Health.

Product Updates

888Added a new feature that allows users to export the Identities report as a .csv file.
925Added an informational alert about application permissions in the Azure integration pop-up.
897Added permission AuditLog.Read.All to the list of permissions required to connect an Azure tenant.

New Features

336Added a new feature allowing users to define different severity settings for accounts from the same provider.
918Added a new feature allowing users to open a side panel with a summary of information about the identity when clicking on an identity node in Cloud Health.
819Added a new integration feature to SIEM services to notify status changes for recommendations for each identity through a dedicated interface.
860Added a new feature allowing users to generate a .pdf report of the dashboard information.

December 22th, 2023

Bug fixes

642Fixed an error in the Cloud Health chart that was displaying the health percentage value incorrectly. It also enhanced the precision of the health percentage marker in the chart.

Product Updates

585Updated the management of potential errors on the recommendations page of Cloud Entitlements. Now, if an error occurs during the information loading process, an alert will be displayed within the specific component, without compromising the overall integrity of the page.
54Updated Cloud Entitlements to monitor and list Azure users, groups, and applications.
627Updated Cloud Entitlements to scan and offer security recommendations for AWS groups.
626Updated Cloud Entitlements to scan and offer security recommendations for AWS roles.
737Updated the Identities screen to enhance user experience. The term "Follow recommendation" was replaced with "Show recommendation", and the information will now be displayed in a dropdown menu.
175Updated the required permissions for a service account to connect a Google Cloud Provider project to Cloud Entitlements.

New Features

12Added the integration with Microsoft Azure. Users can now connect their tenants to Cloud Entitlements.
599Added the Cloud Health chart to the Home page. This chart offers insights into the security levels of your cloud environments. A 0% indicates an unsafe environment, while 100% represents a completely secure one.
551Added the Access path feature that provides a visual representation of how an identity is connected to specific services and permissions.
615Added the Recommendations report to centralize all the security recommendations analyzed for the identities registered within your Cloud Service Providers (CSPs).
198Added a new feature to Cloud Entitlements to notify users when an AWS access key is invalid. The user that connected the account will receive an email, and an alert will be displayed in the Identities and cloud setup reports.
29Added a new feature to provide security recommendations for Google Cloud Platform (GCP) users.
27Added a new feature that indicates the services Google Cloud Platform (GCP) users have access to.
37Added a new feature that provides information on the API permissions of Azure applications.
36Added a new feature that provides information on the directory assignments of Azure users.
39Added a new feature that lists the members of Azure groups.
31Added a new feature that indicates the services Google Cloud Platform (GCP) service accounts have access to.
34Added a new feature that enables users to customize security policies for Google Cloud Platform (GCP).
30Added a new feature that lists the access keys of Google Cloud Platform (GCP) service accounts.

September 1st, 2023

Bug fixes

57Fixed an issue in Cloud Entitlements where date and time of the policy use were displayed without proper formatting.
318Updated the message displayed when accessing Cloud Entitlements' report. The new message "Loading" replaces the previous message "There are no entities.".
413Fixed an issue where AWS user policies were not being displayed in the report.
342Fixed the incorrect return of recommendations for Google Cloud Provider identities. This error was causing inconsistencies in the information presented by dashboards and reports.

Product Updates

55Changed the display of the General information in Cloud Entitlements to highlight the key use cases and instruct the user on how to perform the appropriate actions.
64Added a standard filter for all the screens with filter options to improve consistency in filtering and a filter in the screen of all tenant users.
251Updated the tooltips that appear when users hover over icons to follow the same tooltip pattern existent on Cloud Entitlements homepage.
318Updated the Recommendations report. The criticality column has been removed and the number of recommendations is now presented in cores, which represent the criticality level of the recommendation, along with a 25-character limit.
317Updated Cloud Entitlements to use the same terms that the Cloud Service Providers use for their identities instead of the abstract category service principals.
430Improved the Cloud Entitlements filters to display only relevant identity types associated with the chosen provider. The Providers field now determines what appears in the Identity type and Environment fields.
410Updated the size and alignment of the icons in Cloud Entitlements menu.
465Updated the audit report filtering by removing a filter box with no value.
538Populated simulated data to the Sandbox mode allowing users to test various features, including the Cloud setup, Recommendations report, Security policies, and the details screen.
503Updated the management of potential errors on the home page of Cloud Entitlements. Now, if an error occurs during the information loading process, an alert will be displayed within the specific component, without compromising the overall integrity of the page.

New Features

26Added a new feature that lists Google Cloud projects principals.
28Added a new feature that lists users' roles in Google Cloud.
32Added a new feature to list Google Cloud Service accounts' roles.
486Added the Sandbox mode option for users. This feature fills Cloud Entitlements with simulated data, allowing users to try out the product without needing to connect a personal or organizational account.
348Added an audit report to Cloud Entitlements. This new feature allows users to monitor actions performed within the product.

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