About Domum user nomenclature
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About Domum user nomenclature

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Article summary

Domum has certain types of users specific to this module. This restructuring relates to how users are classified and managed on the platform. It allows a clear distinction between different types of users (with full access or minimum privilege) and their affiliations (internal employees or third parties/vendors).

Here’s the list of the user types that can be registered and their definitions.

  • Limited user: user type that can only use the credentials defined during their access provisioning. They’re usually associated with users linked to the supplier.
  • Full user: user type that belongs not only to Domum but also to the entire system and can access the system even if Domum isn’t on the same network as the vault. Their permissions are assigned through roles and access groups. When their access is granted, the access only concerns the validity of the link they’ll receive to access Domum.
  • Third-party user: user type that works for a company outsourced by the company that owns the vault.
  • Internal user: user type that is a direct employee of the company that owns the vault.
  • Vendor: a company outsourced by the company that owns the vault, which has a set of third-party users.
  • Internal user group: a group of internal users of the company that owns the vault.
  • Limited user group: Domum access group that defines the rules for the access request process for users with restricted access.

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