How to fill in the access request to third-party users
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How to fill in the access request to third-party users

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Article summary

Whenever you request access for a third-party user - first access, batch access, or further access - a new request window will appear. This article is a step-by-step guide to help you with this task.

How to fill in the access request for third-party users

In the Access request - third party-user screen, five steps will appear.

  1. In Settings, complete the information.
    1. The system completes the Vendor and User fields automatically.
    2. In the Request details section, enter the Justification* and the Reason*. These fields are mandatory.
    3. Enter the Governance code, if applicable.
  2. Click Continue.
  3. Under Devices, select the devices you want to authorize from the list. Consult the device report for more information.
    1. Click Add.

    You must add at least one device. It’s also possible to Remove devices during this step if needed.

  4. Click Continue.
  5. Under Credentials, select the credentials you want to release from the list. Consult the credentials report for more information.
    1. Click Add.

    You must add at least one credential. It’s also possible to Remove credentials during this step if needed.

    1. Still in Credentials, choose which permissions the user will receive: Start Session or View password.

    You must mark at least one permission per credential.

  6. Click Continue.
  7. In Access limitation, complete the information.
    1. In the Access permission period section, you find two fields.
      1. Under Start*, choose a date from the calendar.
      2. In Duration*, specify how many Minutes, Hours, Days, or Months the access will last.
    2. In the Access permission days section, check the desired option.
    3. In the Access permission times section, check the desired option.
      1. You can customize the permission times by clicking Custom and choosing preferred start and end times.
      2. In Custom, note that the times are predefined, with 15 min intervals between them.
      3. It is necessary to uncheck the option All times to customize the timetable.
    4. Under Sessions, choose whether the number of sessions will be Unlimited or set the Maximum quantity of sessions.
  8. Click Continue.
  9. In Review, check that all information is correct.
  10. Click Save.

You’ve finished filling in the access request and will receive a confirmation message. Now the third-party user can use Domum according to the configured permissions.

Do you still have questions? Reach out to the senhasegura Community.

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