How to generate first access for limited users after batch import
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How to generate first access for limited users after batch import

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Article summary

This document provides a step-by-step guide on how to perform a batch import and generate automatic first access for users included in the imported spreadsheet.


  • User with permission to request access.

Generate automatic first access


Access should only be generated for active users.

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Domum Remote Access.
  2. In the side menu, select Management > Batch import limited users.
  3. In the bottom-right corner, click on Import.
  4. In the Batch import from third-party screen:
    1. In the User worksheet field, click Choose file and upload the spreadsheet with the users to be imported.
    2. In the Automatically provide access after import field, select the Yes option.

This option will only be available to users who have permission to request access.

  1. Click Import data.
  2. In the Request batch access - third-party user screen that opens:
    1. In the Settings step, fill in the requested fields:
      1. Justification*: write a text justifying the requested action.
      2. Reason*: select the reason from the dropdown menu.
      3. Governance Code: enter the governance code if it exists.
      4. Click Continue.
    2. In the Devices step:
      1. Click the add icon next to the word Devices, in the pop-up window that opens, select the devices that users will have access to.
      2. Click Continue.
    3. In the Credentials step:
      1. Click the add icon next to the word Credentials, in the pop-up window that opens, select the credentials that users will have access to.
      2. Select the permissions that will be given to each added credential.
      3. Click Continue.
    4. In the Access limitation step:
      1. Access permission period: select the date and time for the permission Start and in Duration select how long the permission will last.
      2. Access permission days: select the days on which the permission will be valid.
      3. Access permission times: select from the available times or create a custom time that the permission will be valid.
      4. Sessions: select Unlimited or the number of sessions that access will be allowed.
    5. In the Review step, review all the data filled in for this access request, if you want to make any changes, click the Back button to return to the step you want to modify.
  3. With all the information reviewed, click the Save button to create the access request.

At the end, a success message will be displayed. The request will be available in the report list and details can be accessed by clicking the list icon in the Action column.

To confirm that the user import and access was successful, in the side menu go to Request access > Third-party or Request access > Internal users, and check the Status column for the status of the request.

An access link will be sent to the imported user's email, as well as the email with the access token.


Batch import is processed in the background and may present errors in one or more users. When accessing the process details, it’s possible to identify how many lines the error occurred in.

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