How to set the parameters
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How to set the parameters
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Once you configure the SMTP email account, you must establish the parameters to operate Domum Remote Access. This document provides the steps for this task.
Set the parameters in Domum Remote Access
- On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Domum Remote Access.
- In the side menu, select **Management ** > Parameters > Domum.
- The system automatically completes the Internal user domain and the Third-parties domain fields.
- In Enable external authentication*, choose Yes or No.
- If you choose Yes, the system automatically completes the Callback URL for SSO field.
If you enabled this field, make sure a provider is registered in senhasegura. If no provider is registered, the external authentication won’t work properly.
- In Automatically grant access on Internal user provisioning*, choose Yes or No.
- If you choose Yes, enter a number in Duration of access and, from the dropdown menu, select Minutes, Hours, Days, or Months.
- If you don't want a specific group to follow the global settings defined in the previous step, you can specify unique settings when creating or editing an internal user group.
- In Initial authentication token, complete the information.
- In the Provider section, choose between sending the token through email or SMS.
Info- senhasegura recommends sending the token through SMS so that access information isn't centralized in one location, keeping the procedure more secure.
- Zenvia is the only SMS service available.
- Set the Expiration time of the first token (in minutes).
- Under Email configuration, select a Sending account for the access link.
- In Notifications, configure how the notifications will be sent:
- In Access expiration. Notify:, choose who you want to notify about the expiration. The options are Access requester, Access user, or Requester and User.
InfoTo avoid notifying anyone, simply leave this field empty.
- Under When notify?, enter a number and choose the appropriate time unit from the Before expiration dropdown menu. You can choose between Minutes, Hours, Days, or Months.
- Click Save.
A pop-up window displays a confirmation message indicating the end of the process. You’ve just established the parameters required to operate Domum Remote Access. To complete the initial settings, see How to add an access reason.
Do you still have questions? Reach out to the senhasegura Community.
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