How to update vendors' information
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How to update vendors' information

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Article summary

After registering vendors you can update any data that is needed.

Register vendors

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Domum Remote Access.
  2. In the side menu, select Management > Vendors.
  3. On this screen, you will see the report of all the vendors already registered at senhasegura and the Contract Number, contract, and other details.
  4. Choose a item on the list and click on the Edit.
  5. In the Update vendor screen, change the information on the Registration tab as needed:
    1. Vendor* field, enter the name of the vendor.
    2. Access group* field, select the group created previously.
    3. If desired, complete the Contract Number and Document ID fields.
    4. In the field Start date*, select the date the contract regarding the access consent began.
    5. If applicable, complete the Due date field.
    6. Select an image to represent the vendor in the Photo field if desired.
      1. The image must be in PNG or JPG format and up to 5MB. It will be displayed on the Vendor Dashboard.
    7. In the Status field, select Enabled or Disabled.
  6. Go to the Users tab and change the information as needed.
    1. Click on the plus sign beside the Users word to search and add the users.
  7. Go to the Location tab and change the information as needed.
    1. In the Allowed location field, check the option Restrict access to only those locations only if you want to delimit the origin of legitimate accesses.
    2. Select the Country.
    3. Select the Region.
    4. Click Add.
      1. All the locations will be listed on the Location list.
  8. Click Save.

The system will display a confirmation message.

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