Domum interface for limited users
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Domum interface for limited users

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Article summary

This document provides information about Domum’s access screen for limited users, that displays shortcuts for users to access credentials on their custody, available credentials, and the history of the actions performed.


The access policy and the administrator settings will determine your permissions and the functionality available on the screen.

Top bar

Search barSearch credentials and devices.
+ AddDirects to the New Access screen.
User menuThe options are: Token, Mode, Language, List, and Sign out.

Credentials tab

My custody section

This section provides a list of all credentials that are in your custody.

Release from custodyReleases the custody credential.
DetailsDirects to the Access details screen.

Available section

This section provides a list of all credentials registered for your access.

Start sessionStarts the session on the registered device.
Copy passwordDirects to the Access details screen.
DetailsDirects to the Access details screen.
Increase access timeDirects to the Increase access time screen.

History tab

This section provides a list of all sessions, credentials used by date and time, along with the action performed.

Device and actionName of the device with the action performed.
Date and timeDate and time the action was performed.
ActionButton of the action performed.

Access details screen

CredentialAccess credential.
DeviceCredential device.

Custody information

IDID of the credential.
UsernameUser name.
Additional informationAdditional user information.
Credential typeCredential type.
Expiration dateAccess expiration date.
Última mudançaCredential last change date.
Begin of custodyCredential custody start date.
Last viewCredential last query.
DurationCredential duration.

Access details screen

UserUser that accessed.
Vendor or groupVendor or group that the user is in.
StatusStatus of the access.
IDID of the access.
Access groupAccess group type of the access.
Start dateDate when the access started.
End dateDate when the access ended.
RequesterThis field is only visible if you access this screen through the Copy password button.
DeviceThis field is only visible if you access this screen through the Copy password button.
View passwordThis button is only visible if you access this screen through the Copy password button.
Copy passwordThis button is only visible if you access this screen through the Copy password button.
Spell passwordThis button is only visible if you access this screen through the Copy password button.

Credentials section

IDCredential identification code.
TypeThe type of credential.
UsernameUsername of the credential.
DeviceDevice associated with the credential.
Init sessionDisplay if the credential can start a session.
View passwordDisplay if the credential can view passwords.

Restriction access section

Access permission daysDisplay which days the access can be made.
Access permission timesDisplay when the access can be made.
Maximum number of sessionsDisplays the maximum number of sessions.

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