    • 1 minute to read


    Article summary

    This article describes the requirements for installing GO Endpoint Manager for Windows and its proper functioning.


    • An administrator permission in the user's workstation.
    • The inclusion of GO Endpoint Manager for Windows as Antivirus exclusions.
    • The inclusion of GO Endpoint Manager for Windows as an exception in the system hardening process.

    If you don't include GO Endpoint Manager for Windows as an exception in the system hardening process, it won't work.

    Hardware requirements - Workstations

    The Go Endpoint Manager for Windows requires at least the following hardware resources:

    • Scenario with up to 50 simultaneous sessions
    • Scenario with 50 or more simultaneous sessions
    Simultaneous sessionsCPURAM (GB)Disk(TB)
    50016 (*)1616
    100016 (*)1632
    1000 +16 (*)1664

    (*) - variable "pm.max_children" equal to 10


    The following development resources are required for Go Endpoint Manager for Windows to work:

    .NETMicrosoft .NET 6 Desktop Runtime 6.0.11 (or updates of .NET 6)
    LibrariesVersions x86 and/or x64 of the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio (2015, 2017, 2019, and 2022) Bundle.
    • Note that Go Endpoint Manager for Windows requires .NET 6 installed as a dependency. The PEDM can run with .NET 7 as long as .NET 6 is also installed on the machine.
    • Discontinued versions of operating systems may not support Microsoft .NET updates, which may result in system incompatibility.

    Supported versions

    The following operating systems support Go Endpoint Manager for Windows version 3.27 or later:


    The GO Endpoint Manager for Windows is designed for Windows Server and 64-bit Workstations.

    Operational systemSpecification
    Windows Server2019 (64-bit)
    Windows ServerVersion 1803 and later (64-bit)
    Windows Server2016 (64-bit)
    Windows Server2012 R2 (64-bit)
    Windows Server2012 (64-bit)
    Windows8.1 (64-bit)
    Windows10 version 1607 and later (64-bit)
    Windows11 (64-bit)*

    * Core Features


    If you need an unsupported version, request support for another version on the senhasegura suggestions website.

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