How to manage a Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) provider
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How to manage a Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) provider

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Article summary

On senhasegura, you can manage your MFA providers. For each provider, you'll have a different registration process, but to manage them, they will follow the same features.

Edit an MFA provider

  1. To change a previously registered device, access the Providers report, click on the Actions button and select Edit.
  2. The Provider Registration window will open in edit mode.
  3. Change what you need to and click Save.

Activate, reactivate or deactivate an MFA provider

  1. To change a previously registered device, access the Providers report, click on the Actions button and select Edit.
  2. The Provider Registration window will open in edit mode.
  3. In the Active field, select No to deactivate or Yes to activate, reactivate or deactivate the provider.
  4. Click Save.

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