How to manage group synchronization
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How to manage group synchronization

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Article summary

Group synchronization in an Active Directory (AD) environment refers to the process of replicating information about user groups between different domain controllers or between AD and other systems. This ensures that groups and their respective user associations are consistent throughout the environment, allowing users to have consistent access to resources and permissions, regardless of the domain controller to which they are connected.

To synchronize LDAP/AD groups in senhasegura, follow the steps below.

Create a new LDAP/AD group

To create a new LDAP/AD group in senhasegura, do the following:

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Settings.
  2. In the side menu, select Provisioning > Active directory > Group synchronization.
  3. In the LDAP/AD Group Synchronization report click the New group button.

LDAP/AD group screen

When you click on New group, the LDAP/AD Group window will appear. Fill in your group information as shown below

Settings tab

  1. Name: fill in the name of your group. For example: Group_01.
  2. Server: in the drop-down menu, select the server for the group. This server must have been registered previously.
  3. User group: in the drop-down menu, select the user group to which this group belongs. This group must have been registered previously.
    1. You can add a new group by clicking the sum icon next to the User group drop-down menu.
  4. Enabled indicates the group's status at the time of creation. By default, this option is set to Yes.
  5. Synchronization: indicate whether this group can be synchronized with other groups. By default, this option is set to Off.
  6. DN: indicate the DN parameter of this group. For example: CN=John Dow,OU=Users,DC=example,DC=com.
  7. AD username attribute: indicates the attributes related to the users of this group.
  8. AD name attribute: in the drop-down menu, select the attribute that will indicate the AD user name. The options are Name, Display Name, and Username.
  9. Department: in the drop-down menu, indicate which department this group belongs to. This department must have been registered previously.
  10. AD query: AD query refers to locating and retrieving information stored in AD. This can include searching for users, groups, computers, organizational units (OUs), and other directory objects. For example: (&(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user)(memberOf=CN=Sales,OU=Groups,DC=example,DC=com)).

For more information, access the LDAP Filter Cheat Sheet.

Roles tab

  1. To add roles to the user group, click on the Add.
  2. The Roles modal will be opened.
  3. In the Roles modal, select the roles you want to add to the group.
  4. Click Add to add the roles or Cancel to cancel the operation.

Domum tab

  1. Enable synchronization: select whether you want to enable group synchronization with senhasegura Domum. This option is disabled by default.
  2. Type: select the type of user that will be part of this group in senhasegura Domum. By default, this option is set to Full users.
  3. Vendor/Internal group: in the dropdown menu, select the group you want this group to be part of in senhasegura Domum.

Edit an LDAP/AD group

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Settings.
  2. In the side menu, select Provisioning > Active directory > Group synchronization.
  3. In the LDAP/AD Group Synchronization report, identify the group you want to change, click the Actions button and select Edit group.

The LDAP/AD Group screen will open in edit mode. Change the settings you want and save it.

Synchronization test for LDAP/AD groups

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Settings.
  2. In the side menu, select Provisioning > Active directory > Group synchronization.
  3. In the LDAP/AD Group Synchronization report, identify the group you want to change, click the Actions button and select Synchronization test.
  4. In the LDAP/AD Groups screen, fill in the following fields:
    1. DN: fill in the group's DN parameters.
    2. Raw View: by selecting this option, the synchronization log will be shown in plain text format. This option is unchecked by default.
    3. User filter: fill in the group's user filtering parameters.
  5. Click Simulate.

Just below the text box for User filter, a message indicating the output of the synchronization command will be displayed, showing possible synchronization errors.

If you haven't checked the Raw View option, the message will be shown as a table. For example:

johndoeJohn DoeUser 'johndoe' will be preserved
janedoeJane DoeUser 'janedoe' will be preserved

However, if you have checked the Raw View option, this output will be shown as plain text. For example: [0] => [mensagem] => Error performing group synchronization example: 0x51 Can't contact LDAP server: ldap://

Do you still have questions? Reach out to the senhasegura Community.

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