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How to manage MySafe passwords in the senhasegura app
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This document provides information about how to add and manage passwords saved in MySafe using the senhasegura app.
- The senhasegura mobile app connected to your account and enabled on your mobile device. More information in First steps with MySafe in the senhasegura app.
Path to access
- On the Products screen of the senhasegura mobile app, select MySafe.
- In the top bar, in the left corner, click on the side menu and select Passwords.
Add a password manually
To add a password manually using the senhasegura app, follow these steps:
In MySafe > Passwords, click Add in the bottom-right corner.
On the Add new password screen, fill in:
AlertThe items with an asterisk are required.
- Name*: name to identify the password.
- Url*: website address where the password will be used.
- Username*: username associated with the password.
- Password: enter the password.
- Click Show to view the entered password.
- Click Generate to generate an automatic password based on the criteria defined in the Configure option.
- Click Configure to set the password generation criteria.
- Check the password strength in the progress bar.
AttentionGenerate strong passwords with at least 12 characters, uppercase letters, lowercase letters, digits, and symbols.
- Secret key (TOTP): if your account is protected by multi-factor authentication, enter the secret key to generate the temporary token (TOTP).
- Click Show to view the entered secret key.
- Click QR code to scan the secret key from a QR code.
Alert- Enter a secret key at least 10 characters long, including uppercase letters A-Z, and numbers 2-7.
- Ensure your device's clock is synchronized with the correct time. Time discrepancies may affect TOTP generation and validation.
Tags: keywords to categorize the password.
Notes: general information about the password.
Click Save.
View password details
To view password details using the senhasegura app, follow these steps:
- In the passwords list, identify the desired password card and view its Name*,* Username and the Copy and Edit password action buttons.
- Click the card to expand it.
- View details such as Tags*,* TOTP*,* and the View password, Copy username, and Copy TOTP action buttons.
- Click the expanded card to collapse it back to its compact format.
Edit password
To edit a password using the senhasegura app, follow these steps:
- In the passwords list, identify the desired password card and click Edit password.
- In the Edit password screen, make the necessary changes.Info
Since the Secret key (TOTP) is sensitive information, it isn’t displayed. Leave the field blank to keep the previous value, or enter a new value to update it.
- Click Save.
Copy login details
To copy login details using the senhasegura app, follow these steps:
- In the passwords list, click the desired password card and click:
Copy username.
Copy password.
Copy TOTP. Available if a secret key is associated.
AttentionCopied login details are temporarily stored in your mobile device's clipboard and may be accessed by other programs.
Do you still have questions? Reach out to the senhasegura Community.