How to manage user authentication providers
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How to manage user authentication providers

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Article summary

Defining a provider per user is a security measure designed for specific scenarios. For example, it's applicable when dealing with high-trust users who must set up a fallback mechanism for authentication. The system should allow these users to use an alternative option whenever primary authentication fails.

Another situation that requires this measure is the definition of a provider other than the default for a specific user. For more information, access the document on How to manage authentication providers.


Note that if the user has a user authentication provider previously registered, senhasegura will ignore the system's provider and make the attempt using only the user's authentication provider.


The admin user installed by default in senhasegura has the Local provider as the primary authentication provider.

Set up a provider for a user

To set up a provider for a user, follow the steps below:

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Settings.
  2. In the side menu, select Authentication > Providers by user.
  3. Locate the user you want, click the Actions button and select Edit.
  4. In the Edit provider by user screen, on the User dropdown menu, select the user to define the provicer and, in the Authentication provider dropdown menu, select one of the available options to user as authenticaton provider for this user.
  5. Under Order, set the priority of this provider.
  6. Click Save.

The selected users will be listed on the main page with the provider and order defined.

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