How to register a Radius multi-factor authentication provider
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How to register a Radius multi-factor authentication provider

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Article summary

To implement Radius authentication, you must have a properly registered Radius provider in senhasegura.

Register a Radius MFA Provider

  1. In senhasegura, hover over the Product Menu and select Settings.
  2. In the side menu, select MFA > Providers.
  3. In the Providers report, click the Add button.
  4. On the Select provider screen, choose Radius.
  5. On the Provider Registration screen, complete the following fields:
    1. Name: enter the identifier name for the Radius provider.
    2. Enabled: specify whether the provider will be created as active or inactive.
    3. Hostname: enter the hostname or IP address where the Radius server is configured.
    4. Port: enter the port number where the server is accessible.
    5. Key: enter the Radius server key.
    6. Timeout (s): enter the waiting time in seconds before considering a timeout.
  6. Click Save.

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