How to register an AuthID multi-factor authentication provider
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How to register an AuthID multi-factor authentication provider

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Article summary

This document outlines the systematic process of implementing AuthID authentication within the senhasegura environment. AuthID provides robust Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) capabilities, requiring proper provider registration and configuration

Registering an AuthID MFA Provider

  1. In senhasegura, hover over the Product Menu and select Settings.
  2. In the side menu, select MFA > Providers.
  3. In the Providers report, click the Add button.
  4. On the Select provider screen, choose AuthID.
  5. On the Provider Registration screen, complete the following fields:
    1. Name: enter the identifying name for the AuthID provider
    2. Active: specify whether the provider will be created as active or inactive
    3. External ID: enter the unique external identifier provided by AuthID for this specific provider
    4. API Key Value: enter the API key provided by AuthID to authenticate requests from this provider
  6. Click Save.

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