IMAP/POP3 settings
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IMAP/POP3 settings

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Article summary

This document provides information about the IMAP configuration/POP3 report, which presents the IMAP/POP3 account settings within senhasegura.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Settings.
  2. In the side menu, select Email > IMAP Configuration / POP3.

Actions Menu

NewButtonDirects to the IMAP Configuration / POP3 window for a new IMAP/POP3 account to be registered.
ActionsDropdown menuDisplays the options for Print Report, Export CSV, and Schedule Report.

Search Fields


To view all search fields, click More.

NameText FieldFilters by the identification name of the IMAP/POP3 account.
Secure connectionDropdown menuFilters by the status of the secure connection of the IMAP/POP3 account. The options are Yes or No.
Automatic checkDropdown menuFilters according to the status of the automatic verification of the IMAP/POP3 account. The options are Yes or No.
Keep copyDropdown menuFilters by the copy configuration on the IMAP/POP3 account server. The options are Yes or No.
StatusDropdown menuFilters by the IMAP/POP3 account status in senhasegura. The options are Enabled or Disabled.

Report Fields

  • ID: account code in senhasegura.
  • Name.
  • Secure connection.
  • Connection type: type of connection (SSL or TLS).
  • Protocol: account authentication protocol (IMAP or POP3).
  • Port: port where the account connects to receive messages.
  • Automatic check.
  • Keep a copy on the server.
  • Actions:
    • Edit account: opens the IMAP Configuration / POP3 window in edit mode.
    • View inbox: directs to the account inbox.

By default, the report displays 30 records per screen. To go to the next screen, click the forward buttons at the end of the report.

IMAP Configuration / POP3

Account NameText FieldYesIMAP/POP3 Account Name
Keep a copy on the server.Radio buttonNoSelect whether to keep a copy of the messages on the server. The options are Yes or No.
Automatic checkRadio buttonNoSelect whether to perform automatic verification of new messages. The options are Yes or No.
EnabledRadio buttonNoIndicates the IMAP/POP3 account status in senhasegura. The options are Yes or No.
AddressText FieldYesIMAP/POP3 account host address
PortText FieldNoPort number where the IMAP/POP3 account connects to the mail server.
ProtocolDropdown menuYesMessage receipt protocol. The options are IMAP or POP3.
Use Network ConnectorRadio buttonNoIndicates whether to use the Network Connector to connect the IMAP/POP3 account. The options are Yes or No.
Network ConnectorDropdown menuNoSelect the Network Connector that will be used to connect to the mail server. Note: The dropdown menu will only be enabled if you select Yes in the Use Network Connector option.
Credential for authenticationDropdown menuYesIndicate the credential that will be used for authentication on the mail server. Note: The credential must be previously registered in senhasegura.
Skip certificateRadio buttonNoIndicate whether to ignore the authentication certificate. The options are Yes or No.
Use safe connectionRadio buttonNoIndicate whether to use a secure connection to the mail server. The options are Yes or No.
Secure connection typeRadio buttonNoIndicate the secure connection protocol to the server. The options are TLS or SSL.

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