How to enable Recovery
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How to enable Recovery

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Article summary

senhasegura provides a feature called Recovery, which allows manual or automated activation of instances through HTTPS requests. This is useful for monitoring and remotely controlling instances, enabling or disabling them as needed, and preventing an under maintenance or unavailable instance from receiving traffic.

How to enable Recovery

  1. In the upper left corner of the senhasegura platform, click on Grid Menu, identified by the icon of nine squares, and then select Orbit Server Manager.
  2. On the side menu, select Settings and then Recovery.
  3. Enable the Allow system remote activation parameter.
  4. In the Allowed origin IPs perform system remote activation field, add the authorized IPs.

When using subnet masks, the CIDR notation should be adopted, e.g.,


It’s recommended to enable only the IPs that will effectively manage the application.

  1. Click Save.
  2. Apply these steps to all members of the cluster.

Instance monitoring

The IPs registered in the Recovery configuration can access the monitoring URL https://mysenhasegura/flow/orbit/mntr, obtaining information about the current state of the instance, indicated by HTTP status codes:

HTTP 200Application active and available.
HTTP 203Application active but not the primary.
HTTP 403Application inactive and unavailable.
HTTP 451Activation license expired.
HTTP 503Application unavailable.

Automatic activation and deactivation

It’s possible to allow an external system to control the automatic activation and deactivation of instances. For example, activating an instance as the primary for a contingency data center. You can accomplish this by utilizing the URLs listed below:


GET /flow/orbit/mntr/activate

When activating an instance, it becomes available to users, but this only happens if the activation license is valid. After a successful activation, the instance that was previously the primary in the cluster is no longer the primary, and the newly activated instance becomes the primary. It's important to note that other instances aren’t automatically deactivated during this process.

Example: https://mysenhasegura/flow/orbit/mntr/activate


The Recovery button is used to interrupt and restart Elasticsearch in emergency situations when it’s necessary to take over the secondary instance independently.


GET /flow/orbit/mntr/deactivate

Deactivating an instance will make it unavailable. If this instance is the primary, it will be deactivated without another cluster member being elected as the new primary. It's important to emphasize that this action won’t activate other instances, even if they are inactive.

Example: https://mysenhasegura/flow/orbit/mntr/deactivate


Controlling which instances are running and deactivated in the cluster is crucial. Avoid the risk of accidentally deactivating all instances, which could disrupt user operations.

Do you still have questions? Reach out to the senhasegura Community.

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