How to mount a backup partition via Rsync
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How to mount a backup partition via Rsync

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Article summary

In this article, you’ll find instructions on how to mount a backup partition via Rsync.


  • A user with permission to use Rsync in the target backup device.
  • A dedicated directory owned by the Rsync user to be used for the backup (for example, /home/senhauser/backup_rsync).
  • Rsync installed in the backup server.

Rsync backups require an SSH key. Add the public key of your senhasegura root user to the list of authorized keys in the backup user’s device.

Secrets Backup Location

Always ensure backups are saved in a different location to protect sensitive information and maintain business continuity.
For senhasegura with the crypto appliance, backups should not be stored on the appliance itself because:

  1. Single Point of Failure: If the appliance fails, you could lose both the data and the backup.
  2. Limited Recovery Options: In the event of a hardware or software malfunction, having backups on an external device ensures that you have multiple avenues for data recovery.
  3. Best Practices: Store backups in a separate, secure location to comply with data protection standards and ensure availability.

How to mount a backup partition via Rsync

To mount a backup partition via Rsync, follow these steps:

Step 1: Get the public key of the root user

  1. Start an SSH session on your senhasegura server as the user mt4adm using port 59022.

  2. Run the command sudo cat /root/.ssh/

    sudo cat /root/.ssh/
    NC0yq70BxcmaQWwFddWfQIQVjMw2WZNkroTsinEZkLHBUN12eMMwNB4izo0iQ70IB8wSj2lQbl/G   AYyzQCZQRo486eFHFJVIaTviDpf32D/O6qz6JGvCpRRzx7owZhuscJGfUesl/q0sCZ9DUn79TLtj/lIC+na4s5c1g/SYyO7IkdwQBkeeXJSasdqwe34gbcvbdf5dL5f00EIIEHclg5tBxmt9UQ2yRXu1   GbkbdFF5tllNdUfgy4Eb7K8kCTm/djb1ljzWiZodtzas+gPWZOHWaV8nAl17Zc1+xeL shbupk
  3. Copy the displayed public key.

  4. Log in to the backup server and paste this public key into the authorized_keys file of the backup user:

    vim /home/rsync/.ssh/authorized_keys
  5. Confirm the SSH configuration by executing:

    sudo  ssh <backup_user@server>

Step 2: Set up senhasegura's system backup

  1. On the upper left corner of the screen, click the Grid Menu, identified by the nine squares, and select Orbit Server Manager.
  2. From the side menu, select Settings > Backup.
  3. Set the Enable application backup? parameter to Yes.
  4. Set the Mount a remote partition? parameter to Yes.
  5. Choose Send to a remote Linux server (via rsync) as the backup method.
  6. Enter the backup User.
  7. Enter the backup Server's hostname or IP address, E.g., or
  8. Enter the Remote path for the backup directory (e.g., /files/backup/senhasegura).

Step 3: Test Rsync backup

  1. Start an SSH session on your senhasegura server as the user mt4adm using port 59022.
  2. Run the command sudo orbit backup create.
  3. The command will return an output with the Rsync confirmation and transfer time.
  4. Check if you can see the files in the Remote path specified for the backup server.

Backup logs

To check the backup logs, follow these steps:

  1. Start an SSH session in your senhasegura server as the user mt4adm using port 59022.
  2. Run the following command:
tail -f /var/log/orbinibkp.log

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