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Article summary

This document provides information about the LDAP/AD service settings screen, which displays information about the LDAD/AD service options.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Settings.
  2. In the side menu, select Provisioning > Active directory > Settings.

LDAP/AD service settings

Disable users with no group when syncing?Radio buttonYesBy enabling this option all users without a group will be disabled in LDAP/AD synchronization.
Use a vault credential on authentication?Radio buttonNoWhen choosing the Yes option, the server field will use a credential in the vault, when choosing the No option, the screen will display a user field and a password field.

Login Options section

Update username when logging in?Radio buttonYesBy enabling this option, the user's name will be updated after logging in.
Update contact e-mail when logging in?Radio ButtonYesBy enabling this option, the user's email address will be updated after logging in.
Update local password when logging in?Radio buttonYesBy enabling this option, the user's local password will be updated after logging in.
Enable local user when logging in?Radio buttonYesBy enabling this option, the local user will be activated after logging in.
Block login when user is disabled?Radio buttonYesBy enabling this option, users who are inactive in the system will have their login blocked in senhasegura.

Domains settings section

SearchSearch FieldNoSearch for added domains.
AddButtonNoAdds a new blank entry to the end of the domain list.
DOMAINText FieldNoFill in the full address for the domain.
DOMAIN (SHORT NAME)Text FieldNoFill in the short address for the domain.
CheckboxCheckboxNoSelects all records displayed on the screen.

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