Batch import
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Batch import

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Article summary

This document provides information about the Batch Import report screen that displays information about the batch import of LDAP/AD servers.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Settings.
  2. In the side menu, select Provisioning > Active directory > Batch import.

Actions menu

ActionsDropdown menuDisplays the options Print Report, Export CSV, and Schedule Report.

Search fields

IDText fieldCode of identification for the batch import operation in senhasegura.
File nameText fieldName of the file that was uploaded.
UserText fieldUser who uploaded the batch import file.
Import PeriodDate pickerFiltering period for the import operation.

Report fields

  • ID
  • File name
  • User
  • Date of creation: displays the date of creation - when the file was uploaded with the records - of the batch operation.
  • Start of execution: displays the date when the execution was started.
  • End of execution: displays the date when the execution was ended.
  • Time: displays the total time that the execution took to complete.
  • Status: Displays the status of the execution. You can assume the values: Waiting, Ended and Error when processing.
  • Progress: status bar that displays the progress of the execution.
  • Error: indicates whether or not an error occurred. It can be Yes or No.
  • Actions
    • Process details: opens the Import process details window with detailed information about the entire batch import process.
    • Download: downloads the file used in the batch import.

Batch import

Import process details

IDText fieldDisplays the code of the import process in senhasegura.
FileText fieldDisplays the name of the file used in the batch import process.
Request DateText fieldDisplays the date when the batch import file was uploaded to senhasegura.
RequesterText fieldDisplays the name of the requesting user.
LocaleText fieldDisplays the locale code in which the spreadsheet was sent. Note: locale in an information system refers to the set of settings that define regional preferences.
MessageText fieldDisplays the error or success message about the batch import process.
StatusText fieldDisplays the status of the batch import process.
LinesText fieldDisplays how many lines the file has.
AD GroupText fieldNumber of rows that were successfully imported.
Lines with errorText fieldDisplays the number of lines with error within the file.
StartText fieldDisplays the start date and time of the batch import operation. This field will be displayed in the format DD/MM/YY HH:MM.
EndText fieldDisplays the end date and time of the batch import operation. This field will be displayed in the format DD/MM/YY HH:MM.
ProgressText fieldDisplays, in percentage format, the progress of the batch import process.
ErrorText fieldIndicates whether any errors occurred in the batch import process.

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