Global administration
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Global administration

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Article summary

The Global administration section consolidates essential resources for IT administrators to manage users, monitor activities, and configure the MySafe platform according to their organization’s needs. With tools for audits, detailed reports, and centralized control, this area provides the necessary support to ensure security, efficiency, and compliance.


The Global administration section includes tools designed to simplify and enhance MySafe management, such as:

  • Panel: offers a consolidated view of MySafe activities with detailed graphs and reports to identify usage patterns and potential inconsistencies.
  • Sharing options: allows the configuration of MySafe notification email, the vault’s base URL, and how items are shared externally, ensuring control and compliance with security policies.
  • Sharing audit: provides a detailed history of externally shared items, including recipient information, date, and status.
  • Total users: displays a complete list of active users, their permissions, and access information, enabling easy account management.


The Global administration section is essential for:

  • Centralized management: provides total control over configurations, users, and audits.
  • Usage monitoring: allows identification of usage patterns, resource optimization, and correction of inconsistencies.
  • Custom configuration: adapts the platform’s behavior to the organization’s needs.

Use case

Audit of items displayed on the MySafe Panel

Primary actor: Renata (IT administrator at a multinational company)
Summary: this use case demonstrates how Renata uses the MySafe Panel to monitor activities, identify patterns, and correct inconsistencies in platform usage.

Basic flow:

  1. Accessing the Panel

    1. As the platform administrator, Renata logs in to senhasegura, accesses MySafe, navigates to the menu Global administration > Panel, and views the available cards, graphs, and lists.
  2. Data analysis

    1. Renata examines the Items by type graph to understand the proportion of Passwords, Notes, Files, and API secrets stored.
    2. She reviews the Passwords by strength graph and identifies passwords classified as Bad and Poor.
    3. Renata prepares an action plan to educate and train users to use MySafe’s Configure and Generate strong automatic passwords feature.
  3. Monitoring external shares

    1. Renata analyzes the Sharing graph to ensure compliance with security policies, focusing on external shares.
    2. She identifies that a user shared the company’s social network password with an external person.
    3. Renata revokes the share and prepares training on best practices for external item sharing.
  4. Engaging inactive users

    1. Renata clicks on the Users without items card to identify active users who have not yet added any passwords to MySafe.
    2. She devises strategies to increase MySafe adoption and raise awareness among employees about the importance of securing corporate information in a secure location.
  5. Detailed report consultation

    1. Renata accesses the Most used sites list to validate the most frequent domains and ensure alignment with company operations.
    2. Noticing that one of the most accessed sites experienced recent cyberattacks, she implements an action plan to ensure the security of credentials used on that site.


  • Real-time monitoring: Renata has quick access to consolidated and detailed data on platform usage.
  • Resource optimization: auditing helps identify and address bottlenecks, such as weak passwords or lack of user engagement.
  • Enhanced compliance: the Panel facilitates meeting audit and information security requirements.


The Global administration section is a cornerstone of MySafe, enabling administrators to efficiently manage and monitor the platform. With intuitive and detailed tools, this area ensures the control and security necessary for comprehensive and streamlined management.

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