Batch import
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Batch import

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Article summary

This document provides information about the Batch import report screen in MySafe, which displays password and note imports and allows you to perform new imports, view, and download completed imports.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu, and select MySafe.
  2. In the side menu, select Batch import.

Actions menu

ImportButtonDirects to the Add new batch import screen.
ActionsDropdown menuDisplays the options Batch Import, Print report, Export CSV, and Schedule report.

Search fields

IDText fieldFilters imports by their identification code in senhasegura.
File nameText fieldFilters imports by the name of the imported file.
UserText fieldFilters imports by the name of the user who performed the import.
Import periodDate pickerFilters imports by the period when they were performed.

Report fields

  • ID.
  • File name.
  • User.
  • Type: displays the import source. The options are Last Pass, Keeper, Password, and Note.
  • Creation date: displays the date and time the import was requested.
  • Start of execution: displays the start date and time of the import.
  • End of execution: displays the end date and time of the import.
  • Time: import process duration.
  • Status: displays the import status. The options are Waiting, Finished, and Error processing.
  • Progress: progress bar indicating the import progress.
  • Error: informs the presence or absence of errors during the import process. The options are Yes and No.
  • Actions:
    • Process details: opens the Import details screen displaying a record with all details of the selected import.
    • Download: downloads the imported file.

By default, the report displays 30 records per screen. To go to the next screen, click the forward button at the bottom of the report.

Process details screen

This screen displays a record with all details of the selected import.

IDThe imported file identification code in senhasegura.
FileName of the imported file.
Request dateDate and time the import was requested.
RequesterName of the user who performed the import.
TypeImport source. The options are Last Pass, Keeper, Password, and Note.
MessageMessage with information about the import status. In case of an error, it’s described here.
StatusImport request status. The options are Waiting, Finished, and Error processing.
LinesNumber of rows in the import spreadsheet.
UsersNumber of usernames in the file.
Lines with errorNumber of rows in the spreadsheet that encountered an error during processing.
StartStart date and time of the import process.
EndEnd date and time of the import process.
ProgressPercentage of completion of the import.
ErrorError indication in the import process. The options are Yes or No.
Download log fileButton to download the log file with detailed information for each row in the imported file. Available for imports with the Finished status.

Add new batch import screen

The Add new batch import screen allows batch import of passwords and notes into MySafe either from password managers or using the template file provided.

Add new batch import screens - Password and Note

After clicking on Password or Note, the screen displays:

File*Upload fieldYesImport file in .xlsx format to be uploaded.
Template fileButtonNoDownloads a template import file.

Add new batch import screens - LastPass and Keeper

After clicking on LastPass or Keeper, the screen displays:

File*Upload fieldYesFile downloaded from LastPass or Keeper in .csv or .json format to be imported into MySafe.

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