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Article summary

This document provides information about the Settings screen of the MySafe extension.

Path to access

  1. Click the MySafe extension in the browser's toolbar.
  2. In the bottom menu, click Settings.

Top bar

Web vaultButtonDirects to the web version of MySafe.
DocumentationButtonDirects to the documentation for the MySafe extension.


Automatically fill login fieldsToggle buttonEnables or disables the automatic filling of login fields on websites using the password information stored in MySafe.
Enable automatic password save suggestionToggle buttonEnables or disables the feature to automatically suggest saving passwords in the MySafe extension. When enabled, whenever the user logs into a site whose password isn’t yet saved in MySafe, the question "Add a new password to MySafe?" will appear with the options Yes or No.
Dark themeToggle buttonEnables or disables the dark theme for the interface.
LanguagePop-upSelects the language of the extension's interface. The options are Portuguese, English, Spanish, French, German, and Polish.

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