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# Files
This document provides information about the Files report screen, which displays files accessible to your MySafe user. It allows you to view, add, edit, share, disable, enable, and restore previous versions of the items.
Path to access
- On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select MySafe.
- In the side menu, select Files.
Actions menu
Item | Type | Description |
Add | Button | Directs to the Add file screen. |
Enable | Button | Available after selecting at least one item, it enables multiple items simultaneously. |
Disable | Button | Available after selecting at least one item, it disables multiple items simultaneously. |
Share | Button | Available after selecting at least one item, it shares multiple items simultaneously. |
Actions | Dropdown menu | Displays the options Batch import, Print report, Export CSV, and Schedule report. |
Search fields
Item | Type | Description |
ID | Text field | Filters files by their identification code in senhasegura. |
File | Text field | Filters files by their identification name. |
Tags | Text field | Filters files by associated keywords. |
Shared | Text field | Filters files by their sharing status. The options are Yes or No. Clear the field to enable the All option. |
Owner | Text field | Filters files by the user who added them to MySafe. |
Last use | Date picker | Filters files by the period they were accessed. |
Status | Dropdown menu | Filters files by their activation status. The options are Enabled or Disabled. Clear the field to enable the All option. |
Report fields
- Checkbox: used for batch actions.
- Code.
- File.
- Size: file size in B, KB, or MB.
- Tags.
- Shared.
- Owner.
- Last use.
- Status.
- Actions:
- View file: opens the File details screen with all file information.
- Share: opens the Share screen.
- Edit: opens the Edit file screen.
- Disable: opens a confirmation pop-up with Yes and No options.
- History: opens the item's version history screen.
By default, the report displays 30 records per screen. To go to the next screen, click the forward button at the end of the report.
File details screen
General tab
This tab allows users to view general information about the item.
Item | Description |
Name | File identification name. |
Owner | User who added the file to MySafe. |
Last Use | Date and time when the file was last downloaded. |
Tags | Keywords associated with the file. |
Notes | General information about the file. |
Download | Downloads the file to the user's device. |
Avoid exposing sensitive data and only download files on safe, trusted devices.
Sharing tab
This tab displays information about the item shared with other MySafe users.
Item | Description |
Member | Name of the MySafe user with access to the file. |
Can view | Indicates permission to view the file details. This column always shows Yes for shared items. |
Can edit | Indicates permission to edit the file details. The options are Yes or No. |
Share screen
This screen allows users to select Internal to share files indefinitely with MySafe users or External to share files temporarily with people who don’t have a MySafe account.
Internal sharing
Item | Type | Description |
Users | Dropdown menu | Searches MySafe users by name or personal groups. |
Access permission | Checkbox | Sets file access permissions. The options are Can view (default) and Can edit. |
Remove user | Button | Removes the selected user. |
External/One-time share screen
- External sharing permission granted by the MySafe administrator. More information in How to configure MySafe.
Item | Type | Required | Description |
Name | Text | No | Displays the file identification name. |
Type | Text | No | Displays the item type. The options are Password, File, Note, and API secret. |
E-mail address of the recipient | Text field | Yes | Enter the email(s) of the person(s) with whom the file will be shared. |
Sharing details section
The expiration date is subject to the permissions set by the administrator in the Global administration > Sharing options menu.
If the administrator has set the expiration date to 1 hour, a user attempting to select a period longer than 1 hour, such as 24 hours, will receive an error message stating that the selected period exceeds the maximum limit defined by the administrator.
Item | Type | Required | Description |
Expiration time* | Dropdown menu | Yes | Defines the period during which the shared item will be accessible. The options are 1 hour, 24 hours, 1 week, 30 days, or Customized. Selecting Customized enables date and time fields for personalized selection. |
Maximum access* | Radio button | Yes | Sets the number of times the recipient can access the shared item within the defined period. Options: Unlimited, One time share, or Customized. Selecting Customized enables a field to specify the number. |
Add/Edit file screens
The Add file and Edit file screens share the same fields.
Item | Type | Required | Description |
File* | Upload field | Yes | File to upload to MySafe. Maximum: 500 MB. |
Tags | Text field | No | Keywords to categorize the file. |
Notes | Text field | No | General information about the file. |
History screen
On this screen, users can view and restore previous versions of a file.
Search fields
Item | Type | Description |
File | Text field | Filters file versions by name. |
Author | Text field | Filters file versions by the user who made changes. |
Version | Text field | Filters file versions by version number. |
Version date | Text field | Filters files by the period they were modified. |
Report fields
- File.
- Size.
- Author.
- Version.
- Version date.
- Actions:
- View file: opens the Version details screen.
- Restore version: restores the selected file version.
By default, the report displays 30 records per screen. To go to the next screen, click the forward button at the end of the report.
Version details screen
This screen allows users to view information about the selected version of the item.
Item | Description |
Name | File identification name. |
Creator | Name of the user who added the file to MySafe. |
Editor | Name of the user who modified the file. |
Tags | Keywords associated with the file. |
Notes | General information about the file. |
Start date | Date and time when the file was added to MySafe. |
End date | Date and time when the file was modified. |
Download | Button that opens a confirmation pop-up with Yes or No options to download the file. |
Restore version | Button that restores the selected version and briefly changes to “Restored!” when clicked. |