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Article summary

This document provides information about the MySafe Home screen, which displays shortcuts for adding new items and allows users to manage recently used items and items recently added or shared with them.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select MySafe.
  2. In the side menu, select Home.

Shortcuts section

At the top of the page, you’ll find the following shortcuts:

  • Add password.
  • Add file.
  • Add note.
  • Add API secret.
  • Batch import.

Last used section

This section displays a list of the last 5 items the user interacted with.

TypeDisplays the type of item. The options are Password, File, Note and API secret.
NameDisplays the name of the item.
OwnerDisplays the name of the user who added the item to MySafe.
SharedDisplays the sharing status of the item. The options are Yes or No.
TagsDisplays the keywords associated with the item.
ActionsDisplays the action buttons available to the user for the item.

New items section

This section displays a list of the last 5 items added or shared with the user.

TypeDisplays the type of item. The options are Password, File, Note and API secret.
NameDisplays the name of the item.
OwnerDisplays the name of the user who added the item to MySafe.
SharedDisplays the sharing status of the item. The options are Yes or No.
TagsDisplays the keywords associated with the item.
ActionsDisplays the action buttons available to the user for the item.

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