Notification Center
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Notification Center

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Article summary

This document contains detailed information about the Notification Center.

The Notification Center is a Cloud Security feature designed to keep you informed about all relevant activity related to your products, such as software updates and specific alerts.

Path to access

  1. On Cloud Security, in the top bar, click the Notification Center icon, represented by the bell.

A sidebar will open with all your notifications.

Notification center sidebar

The following table shows all fields and buttons on the Notification center sidebar:

RefreshButton.Refresh all notifications.
Mark all as readButton.Marks all notifications as read.
Slack integrationButton.Integrate the notification center with Slack. See How to integrate the Notification Center with Slack for more information.
DateText.Date when the notification was sent. Date format is: DD-MM-YYYY hh:mm:ss.
ProductText.Name of the product that sent the notification.
TenantText.The tenant from which the notification comes. You can receive notifications from a tenant even if you aren't logged in to it.
Show moreButton.Show more notifications.

Types of notifications

The following table shows all types of notifications available:

NotificationDescriptionUser that receives the notification
Account Discovery FinishedFirst synchronization or resynchronization finished successfully.User that did the synchronization or resynchronization.
Account Discovery Finished With ErrorFirst synchronization or resynchronization finished with an error.User that did the synchronization or resynchronization.
Account Security Policies UpdatedSecurity policies changed.Auditors, and tenant administrators.
Account Security Policies DisabledSecurity policies changed to the global default.Auditors, and tenant administrators.
AWS Account Invalid KeyInvalid AWS account key.Tenant administrators.
Azure Account Invalid KeyInvalid Azure account key.Tenant administrators.
Google Cloud Account Invalid KeyInvalid Google Cloud account key.Tenant administrators.


The following table shows all fields and buttons on the Slack screen:

AddButton.Add a new Slack webhook.
Channel nameText field.Enter the channel name.
URLText field.Add the webhook URL.
Notification typeDropdown menu.Select the types of notifications to receive on Slack.
What can I do here?Button.Redirect the user to the documentation related to this screen.
ActivatedToggle button.Activate or deactivate the integration.
EditButton.Edit the integration.

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