How to manage web application SSL certificate
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How to manage web application SSL certificate

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Article summary

In this document, you'll find the steps to view the details of the certificate being used by the web application and to install new certificates.

View command options

Use the sudo orbit webssl --help command.

mt4adm@vmdf-giskard:~$ sudo orbit webssl --help
Usage: orbit webssl

Webserver SSL certificates management tools

      --help           Show context-sensitive help.

  -c, --cert=STRING    Specifies a file with the certificate
  -k, --key=STRING     Specifies a file with the certificate secret key
      --apply          if this options is informed, the certificate will be imported and web server configuration will be performed.
      --force          Force the command execution, never prompt

List certificates

Use the command orbit webssl --show to list the details of the SSL certificate being used by the web application.

Install a new certificate

To install the certificate, transfer the corresponding files to the senhasegura server, and then execute the command orbit webssl, specifying the --cert argument for the certificate file and the --key argument for the certificate key.

mt4adm@vmdf-giskard:~$ orbit webssl
Are you sure you want to proceed: y
No errors reported

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