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How to control the application
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Instance status control
An instance can be either Enabled or Disabled. The status Enabled indicates that this instance can be accessed by users in all functionalities. When Disabled, only administrator users can log in, and will be limited to using only the Orbit Web interface.
The fact that the application is active doesn't mean that asynchronous services (called robots) are active in this instance. However, whenever the application is disabled, the asynchronous services are also disabled.
To change its value, go to the menu Orbit Server Manager > Settings > Application and change the control Enable application.
Besides the status of the instance, other important controls concerning the functioning of the instance can be seen on this screen:
- Enable Robots: This switch determines whether the instance will execute the asynchronous tasks or not. If it is on a cluster and is the Primary instance, all asynchronous tasks can be turned on or off with this switch. If it is not the Primary instance, it will be limited to only execute some asynchronous services.
- Restart process every minute: Indicates whether asynchronous services should be restarted every minute during their idle period. This switch is only used in cases of troubleshooting. It is not recommended to manipulate this control without the supervision of the Support team.
- Disable process log on database: It indicates whether the asynchronous service execution logs will be saved in the database or in the file system. By default, the logs are saved in the file system for better database performance. It is not recommended to manipulate this control without the supervision of the Support team.
- Enable cache: Indicates if the senhasegura should use the cache for the basic data of the application. By default, the cache is not used to avoid problems in the post update process. It's not recommended to manipulate this control without the supervision of the Support team.
- Clean all cache: This button will clear the caches generated by the senhasegura. Use after updates if cache is enabled in the control Enable cache.
General application data
Data such as application URL, title visible to the user, and email notification in case of incidents, can still be configured on the screen accessible by the menu Orbit Server Manager > Settings > Application.
- Application title: This title will be presented as page titles and can be customized by the client.
- Application URL: It is the URL that will be used in the configuration of other services of the senhasegura for communication. For example, this URL will be provided to the senhasegura.go facilities so that they can locate the senhasegura server.
- Notification e-mail: It is the list of emails that will receive the incident notifications issued by Orbit.
Database connection data
Through the menu Orbit Server Manager > Settings > Database, you can change the connection data of the application to the local database.
This action is discouraged. This screen is only used by the support team of senhasegura in cases of extremely critical calls. The misuse of this screen can cause the whole service to crash.
VIP (Virtual IP)
To enable access to a VIP (Virtual IP) Load Balancer, follow these steps:
- Go to the Main Menu Orbit Server Manager > Settings > Application.
- Fill in the Virtual IP Address field.
- Click Save.
List of active licenses
Although license activation is the first task performed after the security passwords are deployed, it is necessary to access this screen again for a license renewal.
To have details of the license applied to the instance, go to the menu Orbit Server Manager > Application > Licenses. In this screen you can see all applied licenses, their expiration date and which modules are active.
When the license is about to expire, an incident will be automatically created by Orbit and users configured to receive the notification will be alerted.
License activation
To install a new license, go to Orbit Server Manager > Application activation menu.
Listing installed versions
senhasegura is versioned as a complete package of solutions. However, in its modularized composition, several other components may present different versions. This versioning is important information in troubleshooting.
Through the Orbit Server Manager > Application > Application versions menu you have access to the senhasegura, Orbit and its module groups and individual modules. Still, on this screen, there is a button in the top right corner called Version file download.
This download can be requested by the support team. The downloaded file must be forwarded to the support ticket created.
To list the versions of packages installed on the operating system, it is necessary to log in via SSH of the instance.
System updates
System updates can be viewed through the Orbit Server Manager > Application > System Updates menu. In this screen you can see the version that is currently installed and the most modern version candidate for installation. Use the Check for Updates button to search from our official mirror which are the candidate versions.
Orbit itself will check for updates from time to time, but will not apply them. For security reasons, the senhasegura update can only be performed through the Orbit Command Line on an SSH connection.
Proxy settings
Proxy systems have a dedicated menu section in order to centralize their controls and logs.
- senhasegura Web Proxy: Is responsible for proxy access using the user's HTML5 browser.
- senhasegura Terminal Proxy: Is responsible for proxy access to devices with SSH and Telnet connection through a secure client SSH connection to senhasegura.
- senhasegura RDP Proxy: Is responsible for proxy access to RDP devices through a secure client RDP connection to senhasegura.
Through the menu Orbit Server Manager > Access Proxy > Settings you have access to the following configuration option:
- RDP Proxy: Encryption Level: Indicates what level of encryption will be accepted by clients trying to connect to the senhasegura RDP Proxy.
Proxy versions and services
Through the menu Orbit Server Manager > Proxy Access > Proxy services you can check the version of installed proxy systems and their underlying software. Since senhasegura Web Proxy and senhasegura RDP Proxy depend on services running continuously, you can control the status of your services on this screen.
senhasegura Terminal Proxy don't depend on a dedicated service on the instance. Its execution is linked to the SSH server of the passwords itself.
Proxies logs
As mentioned, all proxy technologies make use of the wisdom. Your logs can be accessed through the menu Orbit Server Manager > Access Proxy > API - Proxy requests.
In this same menu tree, you will be able to access the access logs of the PEDM systems for Windows and Linux.