How to configure a reconciliation credential
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How to configure a reconciliation credential

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Article summary

This tutorial shows you how to set up a credential reconciliation. It explains how to set up credentials, including choosing plugins and templates to make managing accounts easier.


To use the reconciliation credential, you must have:

  • The PAM Operator permission in senhasegura.
  • A credential reconciliation active in senhasegura.

How to configure a reconciliation credential

Follow the steps to set up a credential reconciliation in senhasegura:

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select PAM Core.
  2. In the side menu, select Credentials > All credentials.
  3. Identify the one you want to edit and, in the Actions column, click Edit.
  4. At the Execution settings tab, select Reconciliation credential configuration and select the Enabled field.
  5. In the Autorun field, select Enabled if you want this process to be done automatically or Disabled if you want this process to be done manually.

With the Autorun parameter for automated password reconciliation of a credential enabled, in case of an unsuccessful password change attempt, the credential's password reconciliation will be scheduled to run according to the chosen plugin and template.


To use the automatic password reconciliation functionality for a credential, there must be a reconciliation credential registered.

  1. Choose the Reconciliation credential.
  2. Choose the Reconciliation plugin and Reconciliation template.
  3. Click the Continue button, and Save.

The template determines the commands executed at reconciliation time. You can create new templates according to your needs.

Important note

To get reports on your passwords, activate automation with CORE - Password reconciliation. Access it through the Products menu > Settings > Execution processes path. This automation only checks if the password is valid and the access was successful. The scanning happens every fifteen minutes, always looking for passwords that still need to be verified. Once the credential is checked, it will remain unscanned for the next 24 hours.


It’s important to note that the automation only tests access via the RDP and SSH protocols.

Example: the automation accesses the user1 credential and tests its access on server1. If successful, the automation generates a report stating that the access worked. If unsuccessful, it generates a report indicating the access attempt failed. Please note that this password will no longer be tested, even if it changes, in a 24-hour period. The process can be summarized as one test per day per credential with a scan interval of 15 minutes.

The automation reports will be saved in Products menu > Executions > Password reconciliation.

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