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Article summary

This document provides information about the Profiles report screen, which shows the profiles of dynamic credentials registered in senhasegura.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select PAM Core.
  2. In the side menu, select Management > Dynamic credentials > Profiles.

Actions menu

AddButtonDirects to the screen Credential Provisioning Profile.
ActionsDropdown menuDisplays the options Print report, Export CSV, and Schedule report.

Search Fields

CodeText fieldFilters the profile by its identification code within senhasegura.
IdentifierText fieldFilters the profile by the name registered in senhasegura.
TypeDropdown menuFilter the profile by the types of templates registered with senhasegura.
StatusDropdown menuFilters the profile by its activation state. The options are Enabled and Disabled. Clear the field to enable the All option.

Report fields

  • ID.
  • Identifier.
  • Type.
  • Default TTL: profile lifetime, in seconds.
  • Status.
  • Actions:
    • Edit: open the Credential provisioning Profile form screen so that the necessary changes can be made.

By default, the report displays 30 records per screen. To go to the next screen, click the forward buttons at the end of the report.

Credential Provisioning Profile screen

Identifier*Text fieldYesName of the credential provisioning profile.
Status*Toggle ButtonYesActivates or deactivates the status of the registered profile.

Type Section

Type*Dropdown menuYesSelect the dynamic provisioning type. The options are in accordance with the templates registered in senhasegura.

Credential to execute section

Use a registered credential to access all devicesCheckboxNoSelect to use an existing credential to access devices using the dynamic provisioning profile.
Access credential registered in the systemDropdown menuNoSelect the access credential previously registered in PAM. Note: this menu is only enabled if the previous option is selected.
Credential usernameText fieldNoIndicate the username of the credential that will be used to access devices through the dynamic provisioning profile. Note: this text field is only enabled if you don’t select the option Use registered credentials to access all devices.

Templates section

Credential creation template*Dropdown menuYesSelect the template responsible for creating the dynamic provisioning credential. The execution template registration window opens when you click on the plus symbol.
Credential removal template*Dropdown menuYesSelects the template responsible for removing the dynamic provisioning credential. When clicking on the plus symbol, the execution template registration window opens.
RolesText fieldNoAdd the roles and groups to which the dynamic provisioning credential will be tied. Separate them with commas.
SecondsQuantity inputNoSelect the lifetime, in seconds, of the dynamic provisioning credential. The default value is 3600 seconds.

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