Request password change
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Request password change

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Article summary

This document provides information about the report Request password change, which displays only information about credentials with the password change configuration enabled.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select PAM Core.
  2. In the side menu, select Credentials > Request password change.

Actions menu

ActionsDropdown menuDisplays the options Print report, Export CSV, and Schedule report.

Search fields

IDText fieldFilters the request by their identification code within senhasegura.
DeviceText fieldFilters the request by device name.
UsernameText fieldFilters the request by the credentials’ username.
Credential typeDropdown menuFilters the request by the type of the credential. The options are: Domain user, Local administrator, Local User and SSH key.
SiteDropdown menuFilters the request by the device’s website
Device typeDropdown menuFilters the request by device type.
VendorDropdown menuFilters the request by the device vendor.
ProductText fieldFilters the request by the chosen vendor's product.
Parent credentialText fieldFilters the request by the credential which is considered the “parent” credential.
Last exchange statusText fieldFilters the request by the status of the last password change carried out. The options are: Scheduled, Waiting approval, Canceled, Successfully completed, In execution, Error and Expired.

Report fields

  • Checkbox: check or uncheck a record of the list.
  • ID.
  • Credential type.
  • Username.
  • Device.
  • Device type.
  • Product.
  • Site.
  • Template: the template that will be used to perform the exchange.
  • Parent credential.
  • Expiration date: date and time when this request will expire.
  • Last change: date and time of the password change performed.
  • Action:

When a register from the list is checked the Actions menu will change to Request password change and then the request can be made.


By default, the report displays 30 records per screen. To go to the next screen, click the forward buttons at the end of the report.

Credential details

General information section

View passwordOpens the View credential screen.
Start a sessionOpens a window with the session.
TypeType of credential associated with the device.
UsernameUsername of the credential that was used.
ExpirationRequest expiration date and time.
ChangeDate and time of the request change.
ViewDate and time of the request consultation.
Created inDate and time the credential was created.
TagsIdentifier for credential segregation.
ObservationAdditional credential notes.

Device section

HostnameDevice hostname.
Management IPDevice IP address.
VendorThe device manufacturer.
TypeThe device type.
ProductThe device model.
ConnectivityThe device protocol.

Policy section

NameName of the policy that was applied to the credential.
Password StrengthPassword strength applied to the credential.
Expiration periodThe time that the password will expire if there is no view.
View expirationThe time that the expiration will occur after making a query.
Simultaneous viewInform whether the credential has simultaneous viewing.
Simultaneous sessionInforms whether the credential has a simultaneous session.

Change settings section

SettingThe configuration used to perform the exchange.
Automatic changeInforms whether the request has an automatic password change.
Change pluginThe chosen plugin to connect and perform the swap on the device.
TemplateThe template will be executed by the executor plugin.
UserInforms which password option is used by the user.
Status controlInforms whether the request has control of the status information in the request.
Activation templateThe chosen template to perform the activation.
Disabling templateThe chosen template to perform the inactivation.

Groups with access to password section

GroupName of the group with access to credential.
Part passwordTells which part of the password is possible for the group.

Last 10 operations section

DateDate and time of the operation.
ActionType of action performed in the operation.
UserName of the user who performed the operation.
ReasonThe reason given by the user.
JustificationThe justification the user gives.

Last 5 changes section

StatusOperation status.
Scheduled dateDate and time scheduled for the operation.
Execution dateDate and time of execution.
AttemptsNumber of attempts made.
View attemptsOpens the Operation Details screen.

Operation details screen

CredentialInformation of the credential’s type and username and the device’s name.
View passwordOpens the View credential screen.
RequesterThe module requesting the execution.
Request dateDate the request was made.
Scheduling dateDate the execution was scheduled.
OperationThe type of operation requested to be performed.
StatusThe state of the execution.

Attempts section

TemplateThe template selected to be used in the attempts.
VersionThe version number of the run.
StartDate and time the attempt started.
EndDate and time of the end of the attempt.
ErrorInformation on whether or not there was an error during the attempt.
LogsInformation with logs generated about the attempt.

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