SSH keys details
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SSH keys details

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Article summary

This document provides information about the SSH Key report screen, where you can access detailed information about the SSH key and the events that occurred.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select PAM Core.
  2. In the side menu, select Credentials > SSH Keys > SSH Keys.
  3. In the list of SSH keys presented in the report, in the Actions column, click the button and select the option Details.

Details Section

General Card

UsernameSSH key username.
TypeSSH key type.
ExpirationDate and time the credential will expire.
Created inDate and time the credential was created.
ChangeDate and time the credential was changed.
ViewDate and time the password view occurred on the credential.
NoteText with observations about the credential.

Card Change settings

SettingType of password change configuration.
Automatic changeIndicates whether there is an automatic change configured for the credential.
TemplateTemplate that will be used to change the password.
UserName of the user who requested the exchange.
Status controlIndicates whether credential status control is enabled.
Activation templateIndicates which template will be used in activation.
Disabling templateIndicates which template will be used for inactivation.

Device Card

HostnameDevice name.
Management IPDevice IP number.
VendorDevice vendor name.
TypeDevice type.
ProductDevice model.
ConnectivityDevice connectivity type.

Card Policy

NameName of the password policy related to the credential.
Password strengthCredential password strength level.
Expiration periodPassword policy expiration time.
View expirationView expiration time.
Simultaneous ViewIndicates whether the policy allows simultaneous viewing of the password.
Simultaneous sessionIndicates whether the policy grants access to sessions simultaneously.


Period with greater useDisplays the period of the day that had the highest use of the credential.
Parent credentialDisplays the existence of the parent credential.
Total viewsDisplays the total number of queries performed on the credential.
Total accessDisplays the total number of accesses made with the credential.
Session duration (average)Displays the average time of sessions accessed with the credential in seconds.
DevicesDisplays the number of devices that use the credential.


Users by access groupDisplays the number of users divided by their access group that have access to the credential.
Users with accessDisplays the number of senhasegura users who have and do not have access to the credential.


EventsDisplays a timeline with all actions performed on the credential, divided by date and displays the action and which user performed them.


Last access

UserName of the user who last accessed the credential. Clicking on the name opens the User profile screen.
DateDate and time the access was made.
ScoreDisplays the score assigned to the access performed.
Magnifying glassOpen the Access details screen.

Users with custody

IDIdentification number in senhasegura.
UserName of the user who had custody of the credential. Clicking on the name opens the User profile screen.
Last viewDate and time of the last credential consultation.
Begin of custodyDate and time when credential custody begins.
DurationLength of time the credential was in custody.

Associated devices

IDDevice identification code within senhasegura.
Device nameDevice registration name
ManagementDevice IP address.
TypeDevice type.
VendorDevice vendor.
ProductDevice model.

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