New Network Connector
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New Network Connector

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Article summary

This document provides information about the New Network Connector form screen, where you can add and configure connectors.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Devices.
  2. In the side menu, select Settings > Network Connector > Connectors
  3. On the report screen, click on the menu Actions > Add.

When editing an existing record, the Update Network Connector screen will be displayed. The content of this screen matches exactly what is described in this document.

General tab

Name*Text fieldYesNetwork Connector identification name.
EnabledOption buttonNoRegistration activation status. The options are Yes and No.

Authentication tab

IP*Text fieldYesIP address for the connector server.
Port*Text fieldYesPort for the connector server.
Username*Text fieldYesUsername for the connector server.
Password*Text fieldYesPassword for the connector server user.

Agent ports must be within the range 30000-30999.

Agents tab

Add/Remove selectedButtonNoAdds a row to the table.
AgentsTableNoList of added agents. Contains the Name field.

Review Tab
This section contains the information that was added in the previous steps, so that it can be analyzed and, if any changes are needed, be made before completing the registration. The information is grouped by each tab respectively.

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