Access request - details
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Access request - details

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Article summary

This document provides information about the Access requests details screen, which displays the details of the requests and information about their approval or rejection.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select PAM Core.
  2. In the side menu, select Access control.
    1. All Access requests.
    2. My access request.
    3. My access approvals.
  3. In the list choose a register and on the Actions button select View request.

Information section

PasswordPassword of the device that will be accessed.
RequesterName of the user that is requesting the access.
GroupAccess group which the user belongs to.
Approvals requiredNumber of approvals needed.
Disapprovals requiredNumber of disapprovals needed.
Request dateDate and time that the request was made.
StatusStatus of the requests. The status are Approved, Canceled, Revoked, Pending and Rejected.

Justification section

ReasonReason why the user needs access.
Governance IDSoftware identification code ITSM (IT Service Management).
JustificationJustification why the user needs access.

Request details section

This section provides a description of the action that is going to be performed on this request.


ApproverApprover's name.
ResponseStatus with the approver's answer.
DateDate and time that the approval was made.
LevelApprover’s level.
JustificationJustification to explain the approver’s answer.

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