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How to activate remote session file transfer
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This document provides information about the step-by-step process to activate a file transfer for a remote session.
Enable the file transfer will not enable the logs. Access the How to activate remote session file transfer triggers document to allow the logs for file transfer in a session.
Activate the transfer
- On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select Settings.
- In the side menu, select System parameters > Global
- At the Remote session tab, in the General section:
- Locate the Enable file transfer?* field and check Yes.
- In the bottom left corner, click Save.
During the transfer, especially when there are many files, it may take a little longer than usual to process the files. However, the session will return to normal once the upload is completed.
You can transfer files from your local machine to a remote session or between sessions when finalized.
To know more about this resource, access the Segregation levels document. It will help activate transfers for selected groups, devices, credentials, or origins.
Do you still have questions? Reach out to the senhasegura Community.