Audited commands
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Audited commands

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Article summary

This document provides information about the Audited commands dashboard screen, displaying all the commands, the riskiest access and who are the users and devices most affected.


The dashboard can only be accessed by users who have administrator or system auditor permissions.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select PAM Core.
  2. In the side menu, select Dashboard > Audited commands.

Command analysis

Display periodDate pickerFilters by the period chosen to display the data. The options are Today, Last 24 hours, This week, Last week, This month, Last month, This year, Last year and Custom.


Commands with greater severityDisplays the number of commands with the highest severity that were executed, separated by date.
Access with command detectedDisplays the number of accesses to sessions with detected commands, separated by date.


Last access with commands detected

List of the last 5 accesses that have commands detected.

UserDisplays the name of the user who performed the access.
DeviceDisplays the device that was initiated access.
CredentialDisplays the credentials used by the user to access.
DateDisplays the date and time the access was made.
RiskDisplays the degree of the risk affected by access. The number can vary from 0 (zero) to 100 (one hundred).
Magnifying glassOpen Access details screen.

Access with greater severity

List of the last 5 access with greater severity.

UserDisplays the name of the user who performed the access.
DeviceDisplays the device that was initiated access.
CredentialDisplays the credential used by the user to access.
DateDisplays the date and time the access was made.
RiskDisplays the degree of the risk affected by access. The number can vary from 0 (zero) to 100 (one hundred).
Magnifying glassOpen Access details screen.

Greatest aggressors

List of users considered the biggest aggressors.

UserDisplays the name of the user who performed the access.
IncidentsDisplays the number of incidents that occurred.
SessionsDisplays the number of sessions accessed by the user.
With incidentsDisplays the percentage of sessions in incidents occurred.

Greatest aggressed

List of the most affected devices.

DeviceDisplays the IP address of the accessed device.
IncidentsDisplays the number of incidents that occurred.
SessionsDisplays the number of times the device has been accessed.
With incidentsDisplays the percentage of sessions where incidents occurred.

Access Details screen

UserDisplays the user's name, email and IP address.
CredentialDisplays the username, IP address, protocol type and port used by the credential.
AccessDisplays the details of the session accessed by the user. The data is the IP address of the accessing machine, the duration of the session and the device accessed with the IP address, protocol and port.
Last detected commandsDisplays the list of commands carried out by the user, containing Command, Action during session, Typed command, Event date, Executed in, Criticality, Risk and an option to view the video session.

When clicking on the User, Device and Credential items in the lists on the dashboard, the following detail screens are displayed:

User profile screen

UserDisplays the user's name, email, IP address, last session and time without access.
CardsDisplays the information Period with greater use, Total views, Views by day, Total access, Average length and Recording time.
AccessDisplays a graph with accesses made in the last 45 days, informing risky accesses.
ViewsDisplays a graph with queries made in the last 45 days, informing queries with risk.
Last accessDisplays a list of the user's last accesses containing the Device, Credential, Date, Score and Access Details fields.
Latest viewsDisplays the latest view performed by this user.

Device profile screen

DeviceDisplays the address IP of the accessed device.
CardsDisplays the information Period with greater use, Total access, Access by day, Average length.
AccessDisplays a graph with accesses made in the last 45 days, informing risky accesses.
Access with greater riskDisplays a list of accesses on that device that were the highest risk, containing User, Credential, Date, Score and Access Details fields.
Last accessDisplays a list of users and credentials used that last accessed this device, containing User, Credential, Date, Score and Access Details fields.

Credential profile screen

CredentialDisplays data from credential username and IP address.
CardsDisplays the information Period with greater use, Total access, Access by day and Average length.
AccessDisplays a graph with accesses made in the last 45 days, informing risky accesses.
Access with greater riskDisplays a list of users who used the highest risk credential, containing User, Date, Score and Access Details fields.
Last accessDisplays a list of users who last accessed with this credential, containing User, Date, Score and Access Details fields.

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