Password changes
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Password changes

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Article summary

This document provides information about the Password changes dashboard screen, which brings information on password changes carried out on senhasegura.


The dashboard can only be accessed by users who have administrator or system auditor permissions.

The credential quantities and their status are presented considering the following rules:

  • Child credentials will only be considered on this dashboard if their respective parent credentials have the automatic change active. In some cases, the system doesn’t schedule a specific change for the child credential, creating and executing the change at the time of the parent credential change.
  • The "Waiting" and "Error" will not necessarily display the sum of "Updated" and "Expired," as they depend on each change's behavior.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select PAM Core.
  2. In the side menu, select Dashboard > Password changes.

Password flow

TotalDisplays the total number of existing credentials.
ManageDisplays the number of credentials with manageable passwords.
Not manageDisplays the number of credentials without automatic password change enabled.
UpdatedDisplays the number of credentials with updated passwords.
ExpiredDisplays the number of credentials with expired passwords.
WaitingDisplays the number of credentials with passwords waiting to be changed.
ErrorDisplays the number of credentials for which an error occurred when changing the password.


Changes by siteDisplays the list of sites and the status of the password change attempt.
Changes executed successfullyDisplays the exchanges that were successful in their execution, divided by dates.
Execution statusDisplay the status of the executed changes. The options are: No problems, Any problem with up to two robots simultaneously (all active) and Any problem with the three robots simultaneously.

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