Remote session
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Remote session

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Article summary

This document provides information about the Remote session dashboard screen from PAM Core. This dashboard will give a graphical visualization of all users' remote sessions.


The dashboard can only be accessed by users who have administrator or system auditor permissions.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select PAM Core.
  2. In the side menu, select Dashboard > Remote Session.

Remote session

Display periodDate pickerFilters by the period chosen to display the data. The options are Today, Last 24 hours, This week, Last week, This month, Last month, This year, Last year and Custom.


RDP WebAccessed sessions of the RDP Web type.
SSH/TelnetAccessed sessions of the SSH/Telnet type.
HTTP/VNCAccessed sessions of the HTTP/VNC type.
RDP GateAccessed sessions of the RDP Gate type.
Jump ServerAccessed sessions of the Jump Server type.
SQLAccessed sessions of the SQL type.
X11Accessed sessions of the X11 type.


SessionsThe total number of accessed sessions divided by day.
Sessions by proxyThe total number of accessed sessions by proxy divided by day and type.


Active sessions

Displays the number of active sessions by type, available on cards. The session information is displayed in the list.

IDDisplays the number representing the session.
UserDisplays the name of the user who accessed it. Opens the [User profile] screen.
Origin IPDisplays the address IP of the user's home machine.
CredentialDisplays the username of the credential. Opens the [Credential profile] screen.
DeviceDisplay address IP of the accessed device. Opens the [Device profile] screen.
ProtocolDisplays the type of protocol used in the session.
StartDisplays the session start date and time.
TimeDisplays the time the user used the session.
ActionsDisplays action options for the session. The options are Magnifying glass icon opens the [Access details] screen, Eye icon opens the Livestream screen and the On/Off button drops the session.

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