How to make an SSH connection via Terminal Proxy 2.0
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How to make an SSH connection via Terminal Proxy 2.0

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Article summary

This document provides information about a step-by-step guide on how to make an SSH connection via Terminal Proxy.


  • Have a command prompt-type application installed on the machine.

SSH connection

To make an SSH connection to a device that has this connectivity linked to a valid credential, you’ll need to run the command ssh followed by the credential and device as is done in a standard SSH connection. Follow the steps below:

senhasegura_userUsername used to access the vault.
senhasegura_vaultHostname or IP address of the senhasegura to be accessed.
tenant_nameName of the tenant to be accessed.
credentialUser of the credential you want to use for access.
target_device and IPHostname or IP address of the device you want to access.

Multi-tenant access

Multi-tenant access is only possible through Proxy 2.0.


If the tenant isn’t informed, the system will consider the senhasegura tenant.

Connection to the proxy terminal with multi-tenant:

Access using Proxy 2.0

When accessing a device with more than one connectivity type registered through Proxy 2.0 using Terminal Proxy, users will be presented with a protocol selection screen, the options being SSH or Telnet.

  1. Follow the steps described in the SSH Connection section.
  2. On the senhasegura shell home screen, type in the desired connectivity option:
    1. SSH port 22, type 1, and press Enter.
    2. Telnet port 23, type 2, and press Enter.
  3. After choosing, type:
    1. ssh credential@target_device or ssh credential@IP for SSH connectivity.
    2. telnet credential@target_device or telnet credential@IP for Telnet connectivity.
  4. Press Enter.

After these steps, the connection to a device is ready for use.


Depending on the operating system used, the use of the backslash ( \ ) is necessary for the command to work correctly.

To access the target device in applications that don’t provide interactive prompts or if you don’t want to go through the senhasegura shell screen, use the Multihop. Access the specific documentation to learn how to make this type of connection.

Do you still have questions? Reach out to the senhasegura Community.

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