How to manage a remote session
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How to manage a remote session

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Article summary

This document provides a step-by-step guide on what the functions on the Remote Sessions screen are and how to use them to manage the session that has been carried out.

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select PAM Core.
  2. In the side menu, select Audit > Sessions > Remote sessions.
  3. In the list, choose the desired session, and in the Action column, click the on corresponding action to perform.

Live Stream


From version 3.33 onwards, the option for viewing the session's Live Stream will only be available to PAM Administrator, PAM Auditor, and System Administrator roles that have the PAM.SessionManagement.Livestream permission.

  1. Click Live Stream.
    1. A screen will open, and you'll be able to watch the session in progress in real-time.

During the session, it's possible to block the user's interactivity. To learn how to perform this action, access the How to block a user during a session document.

Drop a session

  1. Click Drop Session.
    1. A confirmation box will open; click Yes to confirm the action.
  2. The Interrupt Session window will open with a success message, confirming the interruption.

    Once you have clicked Yes and confirmed the action, the message "You have been disconnected" will be displayed by the session to the user.

Session logs

  1. Click Session Logs.
    1. The [Session logs] screen will open with the session information.

    This feature is only available for sessions already completed.

Video of session


From version 3.33 onwards, the option for viewing the recorded video of the session will only be available to PAM Administrator, PAM Auditor, and System Administrator roles that have the PAM.SessionManagement.Recording permission.

  1. Click Video of session
    1. The [Session video] screen will open with session information and the button to view the session recording or download the video.

    This feature is only available for sessions already completed.

Prevent Purge

  1. Click Prevent Purge.
    1. The Prevent session purge screen will open to insert a text with the description/reason why the purge won't be possible in this session.
    2. Click Prevent Purge to send the justification.

Configuring auditors

  1. Click Configure Auditors.
    1. The Session auditors settings screen will open, allowing you to add the users who will be auditors for this specific session.
    2. Click Add.
      1. In the dropdown menu, select the desired user to be the auditor.
    3. To add more, click Add again.
    4. Click Save.

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