How to register new audited command
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How to register new audited command

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Article summary

This document provides information about step-by-step guide on how to register a command to be audited in a remote session.

Audited commands allow segmentation at the Global, Access group, Device, and Credential levels. The difference is that there will be no overlapping of a command based on the chain of segregating entities. It’s a sum of rules, a possibility to isolate commands belonging to certain credentials and devices from a certain manufacturer.


The audited commands functionality is available only for Database Proxy, Terminal Proxy, and Terminal via Web Proxy sessions.


  • Be a user with the role of pam administrator, pam operator, or system administrator.

Register a command


Registered audited commands are loaded at the beginning of each session. If a session is already active and a new command is registered, it won't affect the already started session.

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu and select PAM Core.
  2. In the side menu, select Management > Sessions > Audited commands.
  3. Click on the Actions menu.
    1. Choose one of the options to add a new command.

New global command

  1. On the Global command screen, fill in the mandatory fields identified by the asterisk.
  2. In the Command tab, fill in:
    1. Name*: name to identify the command to be audited.
    2. Session type*: select the type of session that will have the command audited, and choose from the options All, Terminal Proxy, or Database Proxy.

      The option Terminal includes any session of the type SSH and Telnet that is accessed through a session Web Proxy and/or sessions accessed through Terminal Proxy.

    3. Criticality*: level of criticality that the command will have, choose between the options Low, Medium and High.
    4. Action during session*: the action that will occur when carrying out the command. Choose between the options Allow execution, Deny execution, Interrupt session and Force.

      To understand each type of action that can be chosen in this field, access the Actions triggered by executing audited commands document.

    5. Occurrences (minimum): the number of times the command can occur until the action is performed. Choose between 1 and 10.
    6. Block and disable user?: choose between options Yes or No.

      If the Yes option is set, the user will be disconnected and blocked instantly.

    7. Command*: writes the regular expression of the command to be audited according to the rule.

      The use of the asterisk * to capture all executed commands won't work. Commands must be fully specified. Ex.: update public\.table name*

    8. Description*: describe the command being registered.
  3. Click Save.

New command by credential

  1. On the Command by credential screen, fill in the fields described in the Command tab, as the example above.
  2. On the Credentials tab:
    1. Click on Add and select the credentials that will be audited by this command.
  3. In the Review tab, check the configurations made in the previous steps.
  4. Click Save.

New command by device

  1. On the screen Command by device, fill in the fields described in the Command tab, as the example above.
  2. On the Device tab:
    1. Click on Add and select the devices that will be audited by this command.
  3. In the Review tab, check the configurations made in the previous steps.
  4. Click Save.

New command by group

  1. On the screen Command by group, fill in the fields described in the Command tab, as the example above.
  2. On the Groups tab:
    1. Click on Add and select the groups that will be audited by this command.
  3. In the Review tab, check the configurations made in the previous steps.
  4. Click Save.

After using any command registered in any session, the command can’t be changed, the Command* field will be inactive and the message "The command cannot be changed as there have already been records in the log. Use the Clone command function.” will be available just below the field.

The system displays a message confirming the command registration. All sessions started after this registration will have tracking of these commands. With each use of a registered audited command, senhasegura displays the message “Auditing command. Please wait…” and these commands will be displayed in the Event Log report.


If any command is registered, senhasegura will display only the beginning and end of the session in its Event Log report.

Do you still have questions? Reach out to the senhasegura community.

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