Sessions for audit
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Sessions for audit

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Article summary

This document provides information about the Sessions for audit report screen, which shows the list of sessions configured to be audited during use.


You’ll only be able to view sessions for which you are registered as an auditor.

Path to access

  1. On senhasegura, in the navigation bar, hover over the Products menu, and select PAM Core.
  2. In the side menu, select Audit > Sessions > Sessions for audit.

Search fields

IDText fieldFilters the remote sessions by their identification code within senhasegura.
Session IDText fieldFilters the remote sessions by their unique session identification hash generated by senhasegura. Note*:* this identifier is used internally by the application for session-related operations such as access control, activity tracking, and resource management. Each time a session is started, a new hash is generated for that specific session.
CredentialText fieldFilters the remote sessions by the credential's username.
DeviceText fieldFilters the remote sessions by the IP address or hostname of the accessed device.
UserText fieldFilters the remote sessions by the name of the user who accessed the session.
Origin IPText fieldFilters the remote sessions by the IP address of the source machine that performed the access.
ProtocolText fieldFilters the remote sessions by the session protocol type.
Session startDate pickerFilters the remote sessions by the period they were held.
Audited?Dropdown menuFilters the remote sessions by their auditing status. The options are Yes and No.

Report fields

  • ID.
  • User.
  • Origin IP.
  • Credential.
  • Device.
  • Protocol.
  • Session ID.
  • Audited?.
  • Start: session start date and time.
  • End: session end date and time.
  • Time: session duration.
  • Actions:
    • Comment Session: opens the Comment session screen that displays a text field for auditors to write comments on the session.
    • Session logs: opens the Session logs screen with written information about the session.
    • Video of session: opens the Session video screen with session information and the Video button that enables viewing or downloading the session video.

      Generating a video for download consumes a large amount of server resources.

    • Audit: confirms the session’s auditing and changes the column Audited? to Yes, confirming that the session has been audited.
    • Session audit: opens the Audit log screen with information about the session auditors and their comments.

By default, the report displays 30 records per screen. To go to the next screen, click the next buttons at the end of the report.

Comment session screen

CommentTexto fieldNoInformation written by the session auditor.

Audit log screen

ControllerName of the session auditor.
Date/TimeDate and time the session was audited.
Audited?Session audit status.
CommentComments made by the auditor.

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