Bulk operations report
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Bulk operations report

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Article summary

For a bulk operation to be carried out, an approving user must authorize it. To view pending requests, access Grid Menu > Reports > Events > Bulk operations. The fields below refer to the request search report.

Bulk operations

IDRequest ID number.
ActionDrop-down menu that filters according to the operation requested.
StatusDrop-down menu that filters by the current status of the request. It can be:
Pending approval, Pending approval, Pending execution, Running, Success, Error, and Canceled.
Creation dateDisplays a calendar that lets you choose the request creation date.
untilDisplays a calendar that lets you choose the deadline for searching requests.

To perform the search, click on the Filter button; to clear the fields and restart the process, click on the Clear button.

The bulk operations list will appear below the filter form, with the following fields:

  • ID.
  • Action.
  • Status.
  • Closed tasks: indicates the number of tasks closed in that operation.
  • Total tasks: indicates the total number of tasks in that operation.
  • Creation date: date the operation was created.
  • Action column:
    • Request details, identified by the identity card icon.
    • Tasks, identified by the three horizontal bars icon.

Request details window

When you click on Request details in the Action column, a window will open. In this window, we will see the following fields:

RequesterIt shows the name and user name of the requester for that operation.
Next to this field is the type of operation, in this case,Bulk operation.
Then you have the status of the operation, which can be Pending,Approved, or Rejected.
IDRequest ID on senhasegura.
Requested inDate and time the request was made. Presented in the DD/MM/AAAA HH:MM:SS format.
ExpirationIt indicates the expiration date of the request. Presented in the DD/MM/AAAA HH:MM:SS format.
ApprovalsIt indicates the number of approvals that the request has received.
DisapprovalsIt indicates the number of disapprovals that the request has received.

Responses session

In the same window, just below the request details, you have the Responses section, which shows the details of the responses given to the request.

ApproverName of the user who approved or disapproved the request.
This field can also display the text "Not answered", indicating that the user has not answered your request.
LevelApprover user level.
ResponseIt indicates whether the user in question has already provided an answer.
DateResponse date. Presented in the DD/MM/AAAA HH:MM:SS format.
JustificationText field with the approving user's written justification. If no justification has been provided, the field will be blank.

Request details session

Below, you'll find Details of the request.

IDCode of the request in senhasegura.
ActionAction that was indicated in the bulk operation request.
StatusUpdated status of the request.
EnabledThe status of the request. Can be Yes or No.

Below these fields, you'll have a session that is variable. So, the fields below will vary according to the module in which the request was made, with a different type of detail for bulk operations for credentials, devices or DSM.

Affected entities - Devices

When analyzing a bulk operation on devices, these fields will appear. Note, however, that only in this case will you be able to see these fields.

IDCode of the entity added by the bulk operation request.
Device nameName of the device affected by the bulk operation request.
ManagementIP address or hostname of the device.
TypeType of device affected by the bulk operation request.
VendorVendor of the affected device by the bulk operation request.
ProductModel of the device affected by the bulk operation request.


When analyzing a bulk operation in DSM secrets, these fields will appear. Note, however, that only in this case will you be able to see these fields.

Governance IDGovernance code for the bulk operation.
ReasonReason for carrying out the bulk operation.

Affected entities - Credentials

When analyzing a bulk operation in credentials, these fields will appear. Note, however, that only in this case will you be able to see these fields.

IDCode of the credential affected by the bulk operation.
UsernameUsername of the credential affected by the bulk operation.
TypeType of credential affected by the bulk operation.
DomainDomain of the credential affected by the bulk operation.
DeviceDevice linked to the credential involved in the batch operation.

Bulk operation task window

When you click the Tasks button in the Action column, a window will open. In this window, you can filter the tasks for each bulk operation. The fields below refer to the search report for the tasks in the bulk operation.

IDTask's code registered in senhasegura.
Entity IDEntity's code registered in senhasegura.
StatusDrop-down menu to filter according to approval status.
PriorityDrop-down menu to filter according to task priority.
Start dateOpens a calendar for entering the start date of the bulk operation's execution interval.
This date indicates the start of the interval.
untilOpens a calendar for entering the start date of the bulk operation's execution interval.
This date indicates the end of the interval.
End dateOpens a calendar for entering the start date of the batch operation execution interval.
This date indicates the start of the end interval for bulk operation executions.
untilOpens a calendar for entering the start date of the batch operation execution interval.
This date indicates the end of the end interval for bulk operation executions.

To perform the search, click on the Filter button; to clear the fields and restart the process, click on the Clear button.

The list of tasks in the bulk operation will appear below the filter form, with the following fields:

  • ID.
  • Action.
  • Entity ID
  • Status.
  • Priority.
  • Start date.
  • End date.
  • Action column:
    • Details: it opens the Bulk operation task window.

Bulk operation task

By clicking on the Details button in the Action column, you're redirected to the Bulk operation task window. This window contains the following fields:

IDTask's code, as registered in senhasegura.
ActionDescriptive name of the action to be performed in the task.
StatusCurrent status of the task.
Entity IDEntity code, as registered in senhasegura.
Entity nameName of the entity, as registered in senhasegura.
Start dateStart date of the bulk operation execution interval.
End dateEnd date of the bulk operation execution interval.
MessagesText fields to show the messages related to the task.
FromField highlighted in red. It indicates the value before the task request.
ToField highlighted in green. It indicates the value after the task request.

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